by Dreamer Technologies

SuiteCRM Asterisk Integration, Click To Call, Call Notification Popup, Call Logs, Call Recordings, Call notes, Call transfer. Supports Asterisk, FreePBX, Elastix, ViCiDial, FusionPBX, Freeswitch, Twilio, Kaleyra , MyOperator

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#2404 - Do i need to install something on the asterisk server?

Closed Installation created by Serge Pelletier 5 years ago

Hello I am aware (and expect) that I must specify a user in the "asterisk manager user"... (free pbx)... Do I need to install anything on the asterisk server? thank you Serge

  1. dreamertechs member avatar

    Dreamer Technologies Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    No need to install anything on Asterisk Server. You just need to create asterisk manager user (you can use existing one as well)

    Have you already purchased the extension? or you are planning to purchase?

  2. sergepelletier member avatar

    Serge Pelletier

    5 years ago

    I am planning to purchase, studying my options at the moment...

  3. dreamertechs member avatar

    Dreamer Technologies Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Thanks for the update ! If you need any clarity before purchased please let us know. We are also available on skype for chat or call: live:dreamertechs

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