by cyborgsolution

Upload Multiple Files using a single Multiupload file field. Send Multiupload files as attachments with Email using Workflows.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5486 V8 API - How do I upload field values of this type over the V8 API? is it similar to how a documents or note t Open General Question
#4745 #4742 - Non-static method SugarOutfitters_API::get_default_payload() cannot be called statically - get_default_payload is defined as a normal method. defining get_default_payload as a static method s t Closed Bug?
#4730 Do this plugin support ver 8.2.3? - Do this plugin support ver 8.2.3? Thanks Closed Feature
#4483 AOR report link to file fails - Hello We have used the plugin on SuiteCRM and created a report in AOR and linked to the multi uploa t Closed Bug?
#4389 WF failed on email to Related field - Hi, I noticed that when I try to send email with attachment to "Related field" (like Account, Contac marilena Closed Bug?
#4345 SuiteCRM 8.1 - Are you planning to release for version 8.1 and if so when would that be. Thank you. hector.chim Closed Feature
#4253 API allowed - Hello Is it possible to use some kind of API to load the attachment file ? Is the attachment fil carlosbasto Closed General Question
#4158 File extension .msg is not allowed - Hi, I bought the plugin for a client of mine. He has to attach an .msg file (email) but he gets a w marilena Closed Feature
#4090 Does not respect upload_dir configuration - Hello, my client purchased and installed your plugin. On our server, we prefer to store uploaded f TimThinkFlywheel Closed Bug?
#4026 Special characters in file name = the attachment is not sent - When the file name has Polish characters (ąśćżźółęń), the attachment is not sent. The add- zoepl Closed Bug?
#3985 More than 1 field - email - I am thinking about purchasing an add-on, but I have questions. I want to create more than one fiel zoepl Closed General Question
#3708 File is not uploaded - Hello, we tried the plugin in our SuiteCRM server and it seems that the .txt files were not uploa domivds Closed Bug?
#3706 Failed to validate license key - Hello, we tried to install the plugin to our three different environments (DEV, ACC and PROD). So domivds Closed Installation
#3520 Save Record to upload file issue - I have just installed the plugin and it gives me this message "Save Record to upload file" when I wa Davint Closed Feature
#3126 File not uploading when saving - When uploading a file is not saving can you help? Thank you hector.chim Closed Bug?
#2546 Upload File Names causing an issue - I am having an issue when users upload a file with a non-standard character. If there is maybe an a peterjakob Closed General Question
#2393 Retrieve upload files by code - Hi team, After installing this extension, we want to know how to retrieve upload files by code to jlbebey Closed General Question
#2345 Smaal thumbnail previes in Edit- and DetailView - We use this module to upload photo's to an Opportunity. Usually straight from the camera using a mob ECM2 Closed Feature
#2343 Error sending email with multiupload files - I have configured workflow to send email with multiupload attach files. ![image_2019_11_04T15_30 lucianodg Closed Bug?
#2143 Trouble uploading files from edit view when logging a call - ![edit view issue.PNG]( jradice Closed Feature
#1975 Intermittent issue with DetailView - We use the provided Fieldtype in the AOS_Quotes module, which usually works fine. Once in a while, ECM2 Closed Bug?
#1965 Installed and registered with key but field type not showing in Studio - I successfully installed the module and registered it. When I go to Studio and attempt to add a new mymailco Closed Installation
#1945 Files saved not showing and not being attached in workflow rule. - Hi there, I've added the multi upload field in meetings module, I'm able to upload the files but whe Luis Landa Closed Bug?
#1886 Does not meet our needs - The way it works does not meet our needs. PLEASE CANCEL ORDER as there appears to be no easy way fo flow Closed General Question
#1866 Cannot See Upload Button - Hi, I cannot see the the upload button in my modules. Is it something I doing wrong? I see the fi flow Closed General Question
#1811 fixes for some problems - Hi. I noticed that you don't check for when there are no uploaded files on save (you really should) Madmart Closed Bug?
#1647 File not showing when saving - Hi, I've added the multi upload field, but when saving is not showing file. Please Help hector.chim Closed Bug?
#886 Must Save Record to upload files. - Must I save record to upload files => it is inconvenience I have to create new record, then save it tuanan Closed Feature
#817 Installation help and setup - hello, i am trying to install and configure the plugin to work with our cms but i cant seem to g JHatfield1 Closed Installation
#738 Deleting Files - We are still evaluating the multupload add-on and so far so good but I am having one issue that mayb peterjakob Closed Installation
#700 Multiupload Files - Workflow converting record - Hi I would like to confirm a possible feature We have a scenario where we have a Lead record W t Closed Feature
#647 Invalid File Reference - Invalid File Reference error shows when trying to download the file from detail view mfowzi Closed Installation
#639 Files not uploading - I have installed the module then a quick repair. I then added a field called "Files" on one of my c peterjakob Closed Installation
#638 Custom Themes - Does this module support custom themes? peterjakob Closed General Question
#629 Multiupload Data type not Showing - When i try to select datatype, Multiupload option does not show in the drop down. ankur Closed Installation
#603 Field not displaying - Just installed on v7.9.4, Added field to Contacts module, then added field to Edit/View screen. Whe BlackSandPublishing Closed Installation
#469 Licence Expire on detail view - ![Multi upload.PNG]( t Closed Bug?
#369 Cannot see Choose File - SuiteCRM Version 7.8.2 SuiteP Theme Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509) Installed plugin Quick re t Closed Installation
#365 SuiteCRM Webforms - I was looking at this plugin to purchase Can you confirm if I add this field to the Lead module and t Closed Feature
  • "The add-on works great !! The install was very smooth and If you need support the team is very professional!!!" - Luis Landa

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