Upload Multiple Files using a single Multiupload file field. Send Multiupload files as attachments with Email using Workflows.
#2345 - Smaal thumbnail previes in Edit- and DetailView
We use this module to upload photo's to an Opportunity. Usually straight from the camera using a mobile device. As an image name doesn't tell much, it's a bit hard to tell which image is which when you are looking to remove old images and/or check is all images are added.
It would be great if there could be a small thumbnail/preview in detail- and editview if the uploaded file is an image.
5 years ago
We have Gallery Plugin which Manages Images Only. If you have already uploaded many files and now need a way to show them as Thumbnails, we can do some customisations for you on your Production Instance. We have sent you and email related to this. Please communicate on that channel for further assistance.