by Helfertech

Secure your SuiteCRM password and account data by implementing two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5656 Upgrade to SuiteCRM 8.8.0 not working - I installed the package did not work Removed old installation and tried again did not work Get the suzannevandekar Open Bug?
#5600 SuiteCRM version 8 compatibility - When will the add-on be compatible with SuiteCRM 8? suzannevandekar Closed General Question
#5537 Before we buy: is this addon compatible? - Hi, we have Suite Version 7.14.3 and we enabled LDAP within the password settings. Before test this crmspace GmbH Closed General Question
#5517 The new key we have generated and two factor key is not working please resolve immideiatly - The new key we have generated and two factor key is not working please resolve immideiatly Suite CRM Portal Closed Bug?
#5435 Doesn't work on SuiteCRM 8.6 - Labels not working and not sure if it really works on SuiteCRM 8.6 ¿Any plans on releasing new vers camiloduque Closed Bug?
#5379 installation - we are using suiteCRM 7.14.4 after I uploaded and installed the package, the license configuration davisfung Closed Bug?
#5331 QRCode is not showing up - The QR code does not show up anymore. URL that we see when using developer tools is https://chart.g suzannevandekar Closed Bug?
#5316 Pls cancel trial on all purchases - Please cancel our trial, this addon does not work for us. Please confirm the cancellation of any tri info155 Closed Installation
#5302 QRCode is not showing up - Hello When i try to login using two factor authenticatio the QRCode is not showing up. It is ver carlosbasto Closed Bug?
#5042 Mode of operation not specified. - I am receiving the above error message during installation after ready to install > commit v5. laura Closed Installation
#5019 Looking for version 3.1 - Hello, I'm looking to get a copy of 3.1 as its giving me some issue and need to uninstall it as we a gairys Closed General Question
#4606 Can't remove devices once added / system does not remember devices - Hello, We are trialing your plugin and I believe there is a bug. Firstly, having added the device, jonnie00 Closed Bug?
#4572 SecuritySuite - Hello I am trying SecuritySuite but i have found a problem. My version of suitecrm is 7.12.3 carlosbasto Closed Bug?
#4442 Two-Factor Authentication trial - Hi After i install your Two-Factor Authentication plugin i cannot edit any relation in studio. Th carlosbasto Closed Bug?
#4441 Two-Factor Authentication from outside the company - My server has a public ip address. Two factor authentication is working when we are working in the carlosbasto Closed Bug?
#4434 Two-Factor Authentication trial - I am trying your Two-Factor Authentication plugin and i have detected a bug. After instal your plug carlosbasto Closed Bug?
#4320 Does it support Microsoft SQL server and IIS platforms - Does your module is compatible with a version running IIS and Microsoft server? Serge Pelletier Closed General Question
#4307 Outgoing Message and Google Authenticator branding - The 2fa brand used the SuiteCRM logo in messages and screens, is there a way to use our own brand on peterjakob Closed General Question
#4223 Unencrypted passwords - I have been recently been tasked with support of a SuiteCRM database using your 2FA plugin, and I ha Closed Bug?
#3881 Enabling 2fa disables System Administrator User access - SuiteCRM Version 7.11.22 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344) Mariadb 10.6.4 CentOS 7.9.2009 php rem briancroniser Closed Bug?
#3222 2FA not working - Failed to copy cache/upgrades/temp/ICLdRc/custom/modules/Users/resetTwoFactor.js to custom/modules/U gairys Closed Installation
#3121 Does this support api calls ? - Hi Team, If we log an user via SuiteCRM v4_1 api .. does this authentication works? Thanks RavitejaKotha Closed General Question