by Helfertech

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#5379 - installation

Closed Bug? created by davisfung 8 months ago

we are using suiteCRM 7.14.4 after I uploaded and installed the package, the license configuration page to enter the license key is blank page. Even I go to the configure liscense from "Two Factor Authentication" of "admin" page, it still is a blank page I have try both version of MonthlyTwoFactorAuthenticationV5.7 and MonthlyTwoFactorAuthenticationV5.4, But same result (blank page).

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    8 months ago


    We have thoroughly checked the plug-in on our end and it appears to be working fine. To assist you further and resolve this issue, could you please share a screenshot of the problem you are encountering? This will help us understand the situation better and provide a more accurate solution. Please share the screenshot on this email:

    Regards, Helfertech

  2. davisfung member avatar


    8 months ago

    I have followed your advice. 1. Uninstall the plug-in package 2. Reinstall the plug-in package 3. perform a QUICK repair and rebuild within SuiteCRM

    But the situation is still same as before.

  3. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    8 months ago

    Hi Davis,

    We have thoroughly tested the plug-in on our end, and it is functioning correctly. To further investigate the issue you are experiencing, could you please share the server credentials with us? This will allow us to check the configuration directly and identify any potential problems.

    Please share the credentials on this email:

    Thank you for your cooperation.

    Regards, Helfertech

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