by Helfertech

Secure your SuiteCRM password and account data by implementing two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator.

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  • Add-on Rating
    9:49 am December 23rd, 2020 | share link

    Add on is very good, excelent

  • Add-on Rating
    11:39 pm July 25th, 2024

    Doesn't work on SuiteCRM 8.6

    1. saeed member avatar

      Helfertech Provider

      7 months ago

      Hi Camiloduque,

      Currently, this plug-in is not compatible with version 8.6. However, we are actively working on updating it to ensure compatibility with Suite8. We expect it to be available soon.


  • Add-on Rating
    1:04 pm April 1st, 2022

    Avoid -- the vendor clearly doesn't understand security.

    I recently took over management of a SuiteCRM instance and was horrified to find a major security hole which was created by this software.

    This security hole should never have happened, as it breaks an absolutely fundamental principle of IT security.

    Although a fix was issued within a day of my report, I have zero confidence in the provider and will never again use any of their plugins.

    1. saeed member avatar

      Helfertech Provider

      2 years ago

      Dear Neill, Sorry for the bad experience with the product. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and giving us a chance to fix this for our customers. We always aim to improve and provide the best soluions for our customers. If possible, please give this a try again in your testing environment, we assure you of good communication on this and would value any feedback coming from you. We hope we don't lose you.

      Thank you.

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