Posting Guidelines
With the many different ways to share experiences on how things work or don't work it can be confusing what each method is meant for. Below are some simple guidelines on how each should be used.
This is a quick and easy way to determine if an add-on is compatible with a specific version of SuiteCRM. This makes it easy to see if an add-on does work for a version or if it isn't quite up to snuff yet.
Reviews are a way for members to share their experiences with an add-on. Reviews are not for support or sales questions. The rating reflects the quality of the add-on as they see it. Ratings are not meant for disagreements in pricing. Below are some general rating guidelines:
- 0 Stars - Does not work at all. For example, could not install.
- 1 Star - It sort of does what it says it does or is just packed full of critical bugs that make it unusable.
- 2 Stars - It basically does as it says but is functionally unusable (many bugs)
- 3 Stars - It functionally works as stated and has minimal bugs.
- 4 Stars - Works very well. Solid implementation. There may be some non-critical bugs.
- 5 Stars - Meets and exceeds expectations
This is meant for discussion on the topic at hand. Please keep it focused to that and keep it clean.