by Helfertech

Secure your SuiteCRM password and account data by implementing two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator.

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#5316 - Pls cancel trial on all purchases

Closed Installation created by info155 10 months ago

Please cancel our trial, this addon does not work for us. Please confirm the cancellation of any trial products. Thank you.

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    10 months ago


    We're sorry to hear that the add-on hasn't met your expectations, and we understand your decision to cancel the trial. However, we're committed to providing the best possible experience for our users, and we'd like to take this opportunity to address the issues you've faced.

    Could you please provide us with details about the issues encountered? Any error messages, unexpected behavior, or specific steps leading to the problem would be immensely helpful for us to diagnose and address the issue effectively.

    Regarding the cancellation, the process needs to be initiated from your end due to permissions and access limitations.

    Regards, Helfertech

    • info155 member avatar


      10 months ago

      Please share how to cancel this? I do not see any options in our account.

  2. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    10 months ago


    If you face any difficulty regarding cancellation, you can email here for support:

    Regards, Helfertech

    • info155 member avatar


      10 months ago

      Please confirm this product is cancelled in our account?

  3. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    9 months ago


    Yes, It is canceled.


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