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#5656 - Upgrade to SuiteCRM 8.8.0 not working

Open Bug? created by suzannevandekar Verified Purchase 4 days ago

I installed the package did not work Removed old installation and tried again did not work Get the following error when installing

Including: cache/upgrades/temp/w29rSq/scripts/pre_install.php ⚠️ Backup already exists: /home/XX/public_html/SUITECRM/core/app/core/src/lib/views/login/components/login/login.module.ts.bak ⚠️ Backup already exists: /home/XX/public_html/SUITECRM/core/app/core/src/lib/views/login/components/login/login.component.html.bak ⚠️ Backup already exists: /home/XX/public_html/SUITECRM/core/app/core/src/lib/views/login/components/login/login.component.ts.bak ⚠️ Backup already exists: /home/XX/public_html/SUITECRM/core/app/core/src/lib/core.ts.bak ⚠️ Backup already exists: /home/XX/public_html/SUITECRM/core/app/shell/src/app/app.module.ts.bak 100%

Display Log Including: cache/upgrades/temp/w29rSq/scripts/post_install.php ⚠️ No matching CSRF check found in the file! Google-otp-authenticator folder successfully moved. Test-component folder successfully moved. Modules added successfully. Lines successfully added to core.ts

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider



    During the installation of the plugin, we display informational messages to confirm that the required files have been successfully placed in the designated directories. These messages are for reference only and will be removed in future updates.

    Once the necessary files are in place, the plugin executes build commands to generate the core files required for SuiteCRM 8. This process may take some time. Upon successful completion, you will be redirected to the License Key page for verification. We kindly ask you to wait until this screen appears.

    Could you please provide us with the version of the plugin you are installing and details about any issues you are encountering during the installation? This will help us assist you more effectively.

    Best regards, Helfertech

    • suzannevandekar member avatar

      suzannevandekar Verified Purchase

      a day ago

      The problem is easy the authentication screen never comes up. The package never installs and stays in the package list to be installed

  2. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    a day ago


    Sometimes, the command may not execute in the backend due to a storage issue. Could you please provide us with access to the server so we can investigate and install the package for you? You can share the credentials at

    Regards, Helfertech

    • suzannevandekar member avatar

      suzannevandekar Verified Purchase

      22 hours ago

      I checked the permissions (some of them were off. I now get to see the log Display Log Installing hookdefs extension Rebuilding ActionViewMap... Rebuilding ActionFileMap... Rebuilding ActionReMap... Rebuilding Administration... Rebuilding EntryPointRegistry... Rebuilding Extensions... Rebuilding FileAccessControlMap... Rebuilding Layoutdefs... Rebuilding GlobalLinks... Rebuilding LogicHooks... Rebuilding Menus... Rebuilding Include... Rebuilding ScheduledTasks... Rebuilding UserPage... Rebuilding Utils... Rebuilding Vardefs... Rebuilding JSGroupings... Rebuilding Actions... Rebuilding ActionNameMap... Rebuilding ApiBeanMappers... Rebuilding ModuleNameMap... Rebuilding FilterOperatorMap... Rebuilding FilterMappers... Rebuilding ClassicViewRoutingExclusions... Rebuilding PDF... Rebuilding ExternalOAuthProviders... Installing Bean : TwoFactorAuthenticationLicenseAddon Including: cache/upgrades/temp/WO2haD/scripts/post_install.php ⚠️ No matching CSRF check found in the file! Google-otp-authenticator folder successfully moved. Test-component folder successfully moved. Modules added successfully. Lines successfully added to core.ts

  3. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    7 hours ago


    That’s great! Please verify if the license page is displayed correctly and ensure the key has been entered successfully. Let us know if you need any further assistance.

    Regards, Helfertech

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