by Helfertech

Secure your SuiteCRM password and account data by implementing two-factor authentication with Google Authenticator.

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#4441 - Two-Factor Authentication from outside the company

Closed Bug? created by carlosbasto Verified Purchase 2 years ago

My server has a public ip address. Two factor authentication is working when we are working in the internal network but when we access SuiteCRm from outside the company via internet we are not able to login using two factor authentication.

How can we solve this ?

  1. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    2 years ago

    Hi Carlos,

    Can you please share you system credentials in email so that we could investigate this for you?

    Thank you.

  2. carlosbasto member avatar

    carlosbasto Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    Sorry but i am not allowed to share any credentials of my client. Is there any port on the firewall that must be open? What are the ports you need to work with your plugin ?

  3. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    2 years ago

    Hi, The plugin connects to google to verify the 2 factor code. If there is a rule for outbound communication in your firewall, it would not work. Please review your outbound firewall rules for this. If you want, we could help review this issue in more depth if we're provided with a sandbox/testing instance on a similar environment. Thank you.

  4. carlosbasto member avatar

    carlosbasto Verified Purchase

    2 years ago

    Can you give me the uri and the port number of the server so i can ask my client to proper establixh the outbound rule in the firewal ?

  5. saeed member avatar

    Helfertech Provider

    2 years ago

    We've gone through the code and it seems that the software would need to talk to the following 2 urls to function correctly. Please make sure to open 80 and 443 for this in the firewall and make sure CURL is working. Thank you.

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