by AppJetty

If you are a SuiteCRM owner, you can provide users with field-level access in your CRM through SuiteCRM Field Level Access Control. Our plugin enables the admin to display only relevant field data to users who have been assigned roles.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5608 Syntax error in .tpl files. "{php}" unknown tag 'php' - We have the following errors after installing Field Level Access Control For SuiteCRM and running a it36 Open Bug?
#5531 No Longer supported on 7.14.4 with PHP 8.2 - Seeing a lot of errors for Unknown Tags and views are broken Exception in Controller: Syntax error netops Closed Bug?
#5527 on line 12 "{php}" unknown tag 'php' - {php} global $current_user; $this->_tpl_vars['current_theme'] = $current_user->getPreference shifang Closed Bug?
#5487 cannot install field level access control 1.3.19 on suitecrm 7.14.3 - Hello, When i am trying to install the add on it gets stuck with the following message (please se Closed Installation
#5457 Module Installation Unsuccessful (7.12.5、7.13.4、7.14.4) - For version 7.14.4, the error is: unknown tag 'php'. For versions 7.13.4 and 7.12.5, authorizatio Open Installation
#5452 support for 8 - do you/ is their plans to support suite CRM 8 Open Feature
#5444 Plugin is not loading properly in SuiteCRM 7.14.1 - We purchased the plugin but can't get it to load properly in SuiteCRM 7.14.1 When I go to load th it33 Open Bug?
#5417 plugin version case check - Hello we are using suitecrm version 7.14.4 and this version better and updated and our company want Closed Installation
#5365 No uninstall button - Hello, I am trying to install a new version of the plugin, however, I cannot uninstall the curre EVIS GmbH Closed Bug?
#5352 cannot apply licence key - after install, I cannot apply licence key: I see in the browser: POST boglargabor Closed Bug?
#5330 Bug in Version 1.3.20 no access on create new data - Hallo dear support, We have Suitecrm 7.14.2 running and since we have had problems with the data jasminkreutz Closed Bug?
#5205 database collation - HI there. I have a fresh installed suiteCRM 7.14.2 on php8.2 and mariadb 10.11. My whole datab jasminkreutz Closed Bug?
#5106 Compatiblity with 7.14 - Hi, The add-ons (upgraded to 1.3.19 just now) seems to re-created custom files using {php} syntax Michael G. Closed Bug?
#5036 unable to install - Hi, I'm using SuiteCRM 7.12, when I try to install the plugin I get this message: Your CRM version( dpasqua Closed Bug?
#4999 Use on development / test instances - Hi, the suitecrm instance where we need to install your plugin is synced with a test environment and amministrazione4 Closed General Question
#4993 Always No Access - Hi, I've installed the add-on to 7.13, however, when user creating an Account, when adding the relat raymond1 Closed Bug?
#4887 Field not appearing - Hi a field that I've made custom button to create a note, it used to appear for me in the list, howe hunterjackexchange Closed Bug?
#4577 SuiteCRM 8 - Is this working on SuiteCRM 8? acatt Closed Feature
#4526 On a 7.11.20 can't see the Plugin Config pages - Hi on a 7.11.20 instance, i tried to config the settings, but i'm not able to see anything ![Admin Lion Solution Closed Bug?
#4179 Request for Refund - Hello, The plugin is not what we expected, for that reason we would like to request a refund. activalink Closed Installation
#4116 Plugin breaks other plugin and some detail views - When the Field Level Access Control is installed, this store plugin breaks: https://store.suitecr cmultari Closed Bug?
#4067 SuiteCRM 8 Support - Hi, Any plan to support suitecrm 8? Thank you. ro Closed Feature
#4025 PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function isOwner() on bool in /modules/access_control_fields/logic_for_subpanelAndDashletsList.php - Hi, After install the module and I try to access into "Admin > System Configuration" page, I get hectormr85 Closed Bug?
#3906 Blank page - When I go to the Rights Management or Field Level Access Control Configurations tab, I have a blank L&F Group Sp. z o.o. Closed Bug?
#3901 Compatibility with Security Suite addo-on - Hi, Is this addon compatible with the security suite addon. We think the two compliment each other diegoandsu Closed General Question
#3853 Fatal Error Editing Opportunity Roles - Sorry this is for a client who is a registered purchaser of the product. Wysemeter is their name, pstevens Closed Bug?
#3730 wrong version - Hi, I'm not able to download the plugin because I'm getting the following message (after clicking o CREdge Closed Bug?
#3575 Upgrade to SuiteCRM 7.11.18 not working with module enabled - I tried upgrading SuiteCRM and there is an issue where the Administration page is blank after the up fabiangarcia Closed Bug?
#3557 Hide no access field - Hi, I need to hide the no access field so i can create many field and who don't have the access Simposio Closed General Question
#3556 Asterisk has moved to wrong position after installing plugin - The asterisk of required fields in my custom module has moved to the wrong position on my custom mod Davint Closed Bug?
#3315 owner write doesn't work - I have role, and give restriction (owner read/owner write) to some fields like email. Owner read is Ertan Gencer Closed Bug?
#3307 We are not using this addon as we are facing few issues , we coordinated with addon team and yet to get reply yet , meantime as we are busy we would like to cancel the trail , But we dont find cancel trial option - We are not using this addon as we are facing few issues , we coordinated with addon team and yet to RedPiranha Closed Bug?
#3273 Guidance on field list - Hello. We use your plugin along with Conditional Notifications, by Variance. When I mark some fie keeggoSolucoes Closed General Question
#3232 Admin page went blank - Hi Team, We recently took trail of this addon , after installing this addon. our admin page went RedPiranha Closed Bug?
#3185 "No access" values in View Change Log - Hi AppJetty Team, One more issue we bumped into - in View Change Log the values of the fields hav vladimir.reznik Closed Bug?
#3178 "First Filling" access type - Hi AppJetty Team, First of all thanks for your support. Do you have in your plans of development vladimir.reznik Closed Feature
#3163 Module Emails - No Access for all fields - Emails module doesn't have possibility to setup rights for fields through Field Access Level. Meanw vladimir.reznik Closed Bug?
#3162 Additive rights for Security Groups - Hi everyone, For strict rights Field Access Control propose correct work for Security Groups and li vladimir.reznik Closed Bug?
#3155 Installation breaks Task edit - After installing the addon, whenever I try to edit a task associated with a contact, the system goes mcallow Closed Bug?
#3123 Resricted field is shown in detail view - Hi, I restrict some field like email. It is OK for list view and edit view. But when i check deta satinalma Closed Bug?
#3109 Installation fails - Hi, I've just purchased suitecrm-field-level-access-controllv1.3.5 and tried to install on sutiecrm mcallow Closed Installation
#3083 No access to reports - Hi, I bought your add on September 2019 and wanted to use it for the reports module. Am I missing so kinetix Closed Feature
#3060 View change log shows no access even the field is set to "Not Set" and user is admin - Bug reproduction steps: - Login as Administrator and make sure field access level for opportunities Jack Liu Closed Bug?
#3028 Relationship with Role - When i restrict email field, is it possible to prevent sending email for restricted email address. satinalma Closed Feature
#3013 All field shows no access - Hi Support, After installation of the add-on, all the fields in all module shows no access when Jack Liu Closed Bug?
#2883 Additive Rights on Field Level - Dear support team, I have defined two roles. Each is assigned to two separate groups. One of them davidmakrucki Closed Bug?
#2878 Doesn't work in Detail View - I have restricted access to a couple of fields as "None." This seems to work fine in Edit and List GG-AMA Closed Bug?
#2814 Loading the Module gets to 81% and then hangs - Hi I am trying to install your plugin. The module upload gets to 81 % then Hangs. I had to clos grantjoyce1 Closed Bug?
#2768 Demo - I want to try it before buy? Can you give me a demo? Ertan Gencer Closed General Question
#2694 it's possibile use this module with custom module ? - is it possible to use your features on custom modules created by us? fabianopi Closed General Question
#2671 In detailview, panels are visible in all tabs - Goodmorning, In SuiteCRM instance where we installed the plugin, we have a problem in record deta bf.ts90 Closed Bug?
#2623 installed in 7.10.10 and udpate a field to NONE (or any value) and click SAVE, and nothing happens, page wont SAVE. refresh page, state lost. Doesnt work! - installed in 7.10.10 and udpate a field to NONE (or any value) and click SAVE, and nothing happens, Caresso Closed Bug?
#2579 No uninstall button for install new version - Hi, there is no uninstall button, cause me cannot install the new version, what can I do? thanks! raymond1 Closed Installation
#2519 SuiteCRM Field Level Access Control Module Ver 1.2.2 - After Install, Loss of System Administration Menu in Admin Area - Hello! I have recently purchased the SuiteCRM Field Level Access Control Module and am testing it o netops Closed Bug?
#2508 Control in various views - The control 'read only' does not work with inline editing in detail views. drichardson Closed Feature
#2430 Plugin has moved all "Required Field" asterisks (*) underneath the field names in EditView - After installing the plugin asterisks that denote a required field on the EditView have moved over t jm2 Closed Bug?
#2407 Licence Validation - Hi I have purchased 1 of your plugins for SUITE CRM Field Level Access Control For SuiteCRM The grantjoyce Closed Installation
#2379 Issue with LDAP - Hello, we use SuiteCRM 7.11.8 with LDAP integration. After installing the plugin and run a quick rep mtierno Closed Bug?
#2362 Installation error on SuiteCRM 7.11.9 and 7.11.10 - The installation stop on 82% and the log don't say anything about it and try on versión 7.11.9 and jesuslimon Closed Installation
#2250 Invisible filter buttons after installing the module - Hi I'm using SuiteCRM 7.8.6. After installing the add-on, in the list view of any module, the sear lombart Closed Bug?
#2071 Suite7.8.0 compatibility - Hi, We are using 7.8.0. can we get package for this version? vishalsingh4044 Closed Installation
#2061 Need Package for 7.8.0 Version - Hi, We are using 7.8.0. can we get package for this version? anuragchoube Closed General Question
#2056 Installation Issue - Since I did not receive a follow up to my version 7.8, I upgraded to 7.10. I installed you latest bu drichardson Closed Installation
#1912 SuiteCRM 7.8.22 - Can you provide me a version for 7.8.22. Thanks. I sent an email to your support email but I receive drichardson Closed Installation
#1905 Plugin impacting "OAuth2 Clients and Tokens" module of suitecrm 7.11.3 version - Hi, We are using suitecrm version 7.11.3 and after installing plugin "OAuth2 Clients and Tokens" crmadmin Closed Bug?
#1891 Field Leverl Access Control for Suite CRM version 7.8.5 - Hello, i requested a demo key for field level access control that works only for suite 7.10 a wikiconsultoria Closed Installation
#1852 Warning Use of undefined constant is_admin_for_user - assumed 'is_admin_for_user' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) - Me aparece este mensaje después de haber instalado ? Warning: Use of undefined constant is_admin rschmitz Closed Installation
#1771 MS SQL Server 2012 support - I've just finished installation of the module and it was correct (100%) but when I enter to the Admi hectorhcg Closed Installation
#1648 Failed Installation - My installation of the package only completes to 70% and says to check Suitecrm.log file. In the log kinetix Closed Installation
  • "Very fast and kind support. The plugin does what i expected and is definetly profitable" - Lion Solution

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