If you are a SuiteCRM owner, you can provide users with field-level access in your CRM through SuiteCRM Field Level Access Control. Our plugin enables the admin to display only relevant field data to users who have been assigned roles.
#2671 - In detailview, panels are visible in all tabs
In SuiteCRM instance where we installed the plugin, we have a problem in record detail view: Users see the panels in all tabs instead see them only in tab where the panels are defined:
I would expect that users see the detail layout like this (that this how the layout is configured into Studio):
TAB1 [some fields]
TAB2 [some fields] - panel1 - panel2 - panel3 - panel4
Instead of
TAB1 [some fields] - panel1 - panel2 - panel3 - panel4
TAB2 [some fields] - panel1 - panel2 - panel3 - panel4
I have seen that the DetailView.tpl file is overwritten.
Is there any reason why the plugin needs to have panels replicated on each tab? if not, how can I restore the proper display of the panels?
Thank you very much for your help.
4 years ago
Hello Dear,
Thank you for contacting us.
We appreciate your patience while we are evaluating your concern.
We will soon update you over your email for the same.
Hope this helps. Let us know in case of any concerns.
Best Regards, AppJetty.