by AppJetty

If you are a SuiteCRM owner, you can provide users with field-level access in your CRM through SuiteCRM Field Level Access Control. Our plugin enables the admin to display only relevant field data to users who have been assigned roles.

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#1648 - Failed Installation

Closed Installation created by kinetix Verified Purchase 6 years ago

My installation of the package only completes to 70% and says to check Suitecrm.log file. In the log, I have this error:

Tue Dec 11 16:18:26 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] log call at: modules/Administration/index.tpl:54 - MY_FRAME is not set Tue Dec 11 16:18:47 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] Query Failed: IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[access_control_fields]') AND type in (N'U')) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS access_control_fields( id CHAR(36) NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR(255) NULL, date_entered DATETIME NULL, date_modified DATETIME NULL, modified_user_id CHAR(36) NULL, created_by CHAR(36) NULL, description TEXT NULL, deleted BOOL DEFAULT '0' NULL, category VARCHAR(100) NULL, aclaccess INT(3) NULL, role_id CHAR(36) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;::: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'. [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'access_control_fields'. Tue Dec 11 16:18:53 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array Tue Dec 11 16:18:53 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array Tue Dec 11 16:18:54 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array Tue Dec 11 16:18:54 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array Tue Dec 11 16:18:55 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] Error altering column(s) customer_id_c on table: accounts: Query Failed: ALTER TABLE accounts DROP CONSTRAINT customer_id_index ALTER TABLE accounts ALTER COLUMN [customer_id_c] int NOT NULL identity(1,1) ALTER TABLE accounts ADD CONSTRAINT customer_id_index UNIQUE (customer_id_c) ::: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'identity'. Tue Dec 11 16:18:55 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] Exception handling in C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\Controller\SugarController.php:402 Tue Dec 11 16:18:55 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Database failure. Please refer to roofdini.log for details. Tue Dec 11 16:18:55 2018 [147032][1][FATAL] backtrace:

0 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(353): sugar_die('Database failur...')

1 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(328): DBManager->registerError('Error altering ...', 'Error altering ...', true)

2 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\SqlsrvManager.php(235): DBManager->checkError('Error altering ...', true)

3 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(1266): SqlsrvManager->query(' ALTER TABLE ac...', true, 'Error altering ...')

4 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(909): DBManager->alterColumn('accounts', Array, false)

5 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(760): DBManager->repairTableParams('accounts', Array, Array, true, NULL)

6 C:\inetpub\Dev\\modules\Administration\repairDatabase.php(119): DBManager->repairTable(Object(Account), true)

7 C:\inetpub\Dev\\modules\Administration\QuickRepairAndRebuild.php(134): include_once('C:\inetpub\Dev\...')

8 C:\inetpub\Dev\\modules\Administration\QuickRepairAndRebuild.php(118): RepairAndClear->repairDatabase()

9 C:\inetpub\Dev\\cache\upgrades\temp\1873.tmp\scripts\post_execute.php(70): RepairAndClear->repairAndClearAll(Array, Array, true, false)

10 C:\inetpub\Dev\\cache\upgrades\temp\1873.tmp\scripts\post_execute.php(15): repairAfterInstallPlugin()

11 C:\inetpub\Dev\\ModuleInstall\ModuleInstaller.php(259): require_once('C:\inetpub\Dev\...')

12 C:\inetpub\Dev\\ModuleInstall\ModuleInstaller.php(170): ModuleInstaller->post_execute()

13 C:\inetpub\Dev\\modules\Administration\UpgradeWizard_commit.php(345): ModuleInstaller->install('cache/upgrades/...')

14 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\View\SugarView.php(840): include_once('C:\inetpub\Dev\...')

15 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\View\views\view.classic.php(74): SugarView->includeClassicFile('cache/upgrades/...')

16 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\View\SugarView.php(207): ViewClassic->display()

17 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\Controller\SugarController.php(432): SugarView->process()

18 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\Controller\SugarController.php(375): SugarController->processView()

19 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php(109): SugarController->execute()

20 C:\inetpub\Dev\\index.php(52): SugarApplication->execute()


Is this a bug with the installtion script? I haven't had issues installing other modules using module loader. I'm running SuiteCRM version 7.10.7

  1. kinetix member avatar

    kinetix Verified Purchase

    6 years ago

    I was able to install Calculated Fields add on just fine, even after the other failed earlier today.

  2. kinetix member avatar

    kinetix Verified Purchase

    6 years ago

    The installation stops at 70% and when I click the Display Log link, this is what is output on the screen:

    Installing layoutdefs extension Rebuilding ActionViewMap... Rebuilding ActionFileMap... Rebuilding ActionReMap... Rebuilding Administration... Rebuilding EntryPointRegistry... Rebuilding Extensions... Rebuilding FileAccessControlMap... Rebuilding Layoutdefs... Rebuilding GlobalLinks... Rebuilding LogicHooks... Rebuilding Menus... Rebuilding Include... Rebuilding ScheduledTasks... Rebuilding UserPage... Rebuilding Utils... Rebuilding Vardefs... Rebuilding JSGroupings... Rebuilding Actions... Installing Relationships Rebuilding Vardefs... Rebuilding Layoutdefs... Database failure. Please refer to roofdini.log for details. (*RoofDini.log is what we renamed SuiteCRM.log file to.)


    Tue Dec 11 19:16:43 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] Query Failed: IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[access_control_fields]') AND type in (N'U')) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS access_control_fields( id CHAR(36) NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR(255) NULL, date_entered DATETIME NULL, date_modified DATETIME NULL, modified_user_id CHAR(36) NULL, created_by CHAR(36) NULL, description TEXT NULL, deleted BOOL DEFAULT '0' NULL, category VARCHAR(100) NULL, aclaccess INT(3) NULL, role_id CHAR(36) NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;::: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'IF'. [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near 'access_control_fields'. Tue Dec 11 19:16:49 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array Tue Dec 11 19:16:49 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array Tue Dec 11 19:16:51 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array Tue Dec 11 19:16:51 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] SugarBean::populateDefaultValues $field_defs should be an array Tue Dec 11 19:16:52 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] Error altering column(s) customer_id_c on table: accounts: Query Failed: ALTER TABLE accounts DROP CONSTRAINT customer_id_index ALTER TABLE accounts ALTER COLUMN [customer_id_c] int NOT NULL identity(1,1) ALTER TABLE accounts ADD CONSTRAINT customer_id_index UNIQUE (customer_id_c) ::: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'identity'. Tue Dec 11 19:16:52 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] Exception handling in C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\Controller\SugarController.php:402 Tue Dec 11 19:16:52 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] Exception in Controller: Database failure. Please refer to roofdini.log for details. Tue Dec 11 19:16:52 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] backtrace:

    0 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(353): sugar_die('Database failur...')

    1 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(328): DBManager->registerError('Error altering ...', 'Error altering ...', true)

    2 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\SqlsrvManager.php(235): DBManager->checkError('Error altering ...', true)

    3 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(1266): SqlsrvManager->query(' ALTER TABLE ac...', true, 'Error altering ...')

    4 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(909): DBManager->alterColumn('accounts', Array, false)

    5 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\database\DBManager.php(760): DBManager->repairTableParams('accounts', Array, Array, true, NULL)

    6 C:\inetpub\Dev\\modules\Administration\repairDatabase.php(119): DBManager->repairTable(Object(Account), true)

    7 C:\inetpub\Dev\\modules\Administration\QuickRepairAndRebuild.php(134): include_once('C:\inetpub\Dev\...')

    8 C:\inetpub\Dev\\modules\Administration\QuickRepairAndRebuild.php(118): RepairAndClear->repairDatabase()

    9 C:\inetpub\Dev\\cache\upgrades\temp\FC2B.tmp\scripts\post_execute.php(70): RepairAndClear->repairAndClearAll(Array, Array, true, false)

    10 C:\inetpub\Dev\\cache\upgrades\temp\FC2B.tmp\scripts\post_execute.php(15): repairAfterInstallPlugin()

    11 C:\inetpub\Dev\\ModuleInstall\ModuleInstaller.php(259): require_once('C:\inetpub\Dev\...')

    12 C:\inetpub\Dev\\ModuleInstall\ModuleInstaller.php(170): ModuleInstaller->post_execute()

    13 C:\inetpub\Dev\\modules\Administration\UpgradeWizard_commit.php(345): ModuleInstaller->install('cache/upgrades/...')

    14 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\View\SugarView.php(840): include_once('C:\inetpub\Dev\...')

    15 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\View\views\view.classic.php(74): SugarView->includeClassicFile('cache/upgrades/...')

    16 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\View\SugarView.php(207): ViewClassic->display()

    17 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\Controller\SugarController.php(432): SugarView->process()

    18 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\Controller\SugarController.php(375): SugarController->processView()

    19 C:\inetpub\Dev\\include\MVC\SugarApplication.php(109): SugarController->execute()

    20 C:\inetpub\Dev\\index.php(52): SugarApplication->execute()


    Tue Dec 11 19:16:52 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument cache/themes/SuiteP/modules is not a file or a dir. Tue Dec 11 19:16:52 2018 [122980][1][FATAL] ERROR: rmdir_recursive(): argument cache/themes/kinetixTheme/modules is not a file or a dir.

    Also, php version is 7.2. The referenced field customer_id_c is a custom created field on the accounts table that is set with identity attribute and auto incrementing in the database.

    • Biztech member avatar

      AppJetty Provider Affiliate

      6 years ago

      Hello Dear,

      Greetings from Appjetty!

      We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. We've resolved the issue and have updated the latest package on the store.

      Please download the latest package from your account.

      In case of any concern, you can connect with us over e-mail @

      Hope this helps! Let us know in case of any concern.

      Kind Regards, Appjetty.

    • kinetix member avatar

      kinetix Verified Purchase

      6 years ago

      Hello. I received your message and downloaded the updated installer package. I was able to install the add-on. However, when I try to use it my selections are not saved.

      I’m going into Admin -> Field Level Access Configuration and selecting a role and module. I see all the fields for that module and am clicking on the orange Not Set dropdown next to the field(s) I want to modify and click the Save button. I don’t see any visible change on the screen when I click save. When I leave this section and return or select a different role/module and then return to the role/module where I made the changes, they do not persist.

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  • "We use it to hide some fields that should only be visible for certain user groups. And it works perfektly. We upgraded SuiteCRM lately to version 7...." - jasminkreutz

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