by AppJetty

If you are a SuiteCRM owner, you can provide users with field-level access in your CRM through SuiteCRM Field Level Access Control. Our plugin enables the admin to display only relevant field data to users who have been assigned roles.

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#2519 - SuiteCRM Field Level Access Control Module Ver 1.2.2 - After Install, Loss of System Administration Menu in Admin Area

Closed Bug? created by netops Verified Purchase 5 years ago

Hello! I have recently purchased the SuiteCRM Field Level Access Control Module and am testing it on a fresh clean install of SuiteCRM Version 7.11.10 (Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)) According to the About screen. After installing the module, I loose the System settings Screen in my admin area. It just comes up blank. I am testing With VmWare and notice the issue after working with some layouts so I rolled back to the snapshot before installing this module. After installing and enabling, it seems to impact the system settings screen. If I roll back to the snapshot before installing I can then access the System Settings menu. I can reproduce this as well.

I enabled the php error logging and see this error after trying to reload the system administration module:

Notice: Trying to get property 'object_name' of non-object in /usr/share/nginx/html/modules/access_control_fields/fields_logic.php on line 26

Notice: Trying to get property 'module_dir' of non-object in /usr/share/nginx/html/modules/access_control_fields/fields_logic.php on line 28

( ** I was thinking maybe permissions so I also tried setting all files/dirs to 777 temporarily in case it was a permissions thing, but it did not solve the issue)

  1. Biztech member avatar

    AppJetty Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Dear netops,

    Greetings for the day.

    We have checked it in our local environment and it is working fine, so in order to check the issue in more detail, can we please arrange a Team-viewer session? You can connect with us over an email @

    Hope this helps. Let us know in case of any concerns.

    Kind Regards, AppJetty.

  2. Biztech member avatar

    AppJetty Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Dear Netops,

    Hope you're doing well!

    Have you given any additional thought to our response?

    We'd be happy to receive a response from you and answer any pending questions.

    Looking forward to reading from you soon!

    Kind Regards, AppJetty.

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