by AppJetty

If you are a SuiteCRM owner, you can provide users with field-level access in your CRM through SuiteCRM Field Level Access Control. Our plugin enables the admin to display only relevant field data to users who have been assigned roles.

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#2430 - Plugin has moved all "Required Field" asterisks (*) underneath the field names in EditView

Closed Bug? created by jm2 Verified Purchase 5 years ago

After installing the plugin asterisks that denote a required field on the EditView have moved over top of the field name, instead of beside.


  1. jm2 member avatar

    jm2 Verified Purchase

    5 years ago

    I've managed to fix this. I've included my solution.

    custom/themes/tab_panel/tab_panel_content_edit.tpl compared to themes/SuiteP/include/EditView/tab_panel_content.tpl

    Missing {minify} encapsulating the block that generates the required asterisk, therefore it was leaving an extra line break.

    Line 205 custom/themes/tab_panel/tab_panel_content_edit.tpl add {minify} Line 233 add {/minify} before

                            {{if isset($colData.field.customLabel)}}
                            <label for="{{$fields[$].name}}">{{$colData.field.customLabel}}</label>
                            {{elseif isset($colData.field.label)}}
                        {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label=&#039;{{$colData.field.label}}&#039; module=&#039;{{$module}}&#039;}{/capture}
                        {{elseif isset($fields[$])}}
                    {capture name="label" assign="label"}{sugar_translate label=&#039;{{$fields[$].vname}}&#039; module=&#039;{{$module}}&#039;}{/capture}
                    {* Show the required symbol if field is required, but override not set.  Or show if override is set *}
                    {{if ($fields[$].required && (!isset($colData.field.displayParams.required) || $colData.field.displayParams.required)) || (isset($colData.field.displayParams.required) && $colData.field.displayParams.required)}}
                    <span class="required test">{{$APP.LBL_REQUIRED_SYMBOL}}</span>
                    {{if isset($colData.field.popupHelp) || isset($fields[$]) && isset($fields[$].popupHelp) }}
                    {{if isset($colData.field.popupHelp)}}
                    {{capture name="popupText" assign="popupText"}}
                    {sugar_translate label="{$colData.field.popupHelp}" module=&#039;{{$module}}&#039;}
                    {{elseif isset($fields[$].popupHelp)}}
                    {capture name="popupText" assign="popupText"}
                        {sugar_translate label="{{$fields[$].popupHelp}}" module=&#039;{{$module}}&#039;}
                    {sugar_help text=$popupText WIDTH=-1}
  2. Biztech member avatar

    AppJetty Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hello Dear,

    Thanks for contacting us!

    We're glad to read that you have managed to resolve the issue.

    Please feel free to email us at "" in case of any concern. We would be happy to assist you.

    Have a great day ahead!

    Kind Regards, Appjetty

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