Save time attaching documents to your SuiteCRM records by using Boru’s Drag and Drop add-on for the Documents module. With easy-to-use functionality, users can upload multiple documents to a record at once.
Upload Multiple Files using a single Multiupload file field. Send Multiupload files as attachments with Email using Workflows.
RecordCreator helps you create a related record from any module and define which fields should be copied over to the newly created related record. For example, if a user is on a Ticket record the use could create an Invoice record from that Ticket and copy over information such as the contact inform...
Record Local Time is a SuiteCRM tool that allows you to automatically display the current local time of any record in Leads, Contact or Accounts, based on the timezone or address specified in the record.
Customer Portal for SuiteCRM helps your company create and maintain a standalone portal for your customers, enabling them to log in and use your services, complete required tasks, keep track of support cases and many other functions.
Ditch data entry for your business forms. The Suite2Word add-on helps you save time creating contracts, quotes, and other key documents as Microsoft Word files by auto-filling desired fields with your SuiteCRM data. Create accurate documents per customer in seconds, without compromising quality.
Reassign Related Records is a SuiteCRM add-on that automatically transfers ownership of all related records when a parent record gets reassigned to another user. New users can take over and more easily communicate with a customer or make decisions based on previous activities.
Google Drive Integration for Suite CRM module uploads all your CRM documents to Google Drive. The user can preview the document, download, and get the shareable link within the CRM. The module provides a one-stop solution for document management with Google Drive.
MTS Cleaner is a powerful and user-friendly plugin that provides an efficient way to manage soft-deleted records across any SuiteCRM module. Effortlessly scan, permanently delete, or restore soft-deleted records, ensuring better data management and system optimization.
MTS Related Record Preview helps SuiteCRM users view related record information while in List View or Detail View without wasting time opening new tabs. Click the preview-eye icon near Account name to efficiently see more details, all while remaining in the same window.
Quick Updater makes it possible for you to Update the Module Record information from Listview, Update Related Field & Parent Relate Field information directly from Modules Create/Editview where Related fields Display. This will help you to quickly update records as you no longer need to save and the...
Drag N Drop module helps CRM users to create new Documents and relate it to that specific record just by dropping the files into Drag N Drop sidebar widget. The user can upload multiple files at a time. Using Drag and Drop, users can create and relate a document in 2 – 3 seconds which usually take...
The MTS Activity Stream add-on enables users to view a list of activities performed on records. By using this solution, users can see who has updated important information on a CRM record and avoid making duplicate actions. Also, this feature helps admin monitor other users’ activities by reviewin...
The History Email Sync add-on allows SuiteCRM users to create and track previous email conversations with customers, plus save time with the ability to easily view emails in the profile subpanel without completely switching over to the email module. Admin users will also have direct access to any us...
Add the ability to not only upload multiple files, but also the ability to preview different file types right from inside SuiteCRM. Supports many file types such as PDF, Word Docs, TXT, PNG, JPG, and more.
DocParser creates PDF or MS Word documents based on any record and it's related data. DocParser can be used to merge information from any module into a presentation-quality document and create an MS Word and PDF documents. The parsed document can be downloaded from both the List view and Detail...
If you are dealing with the standard CRM file uploading restrictions, there is a better way to manage the various file types you need access to. With the Multiple File Upload add-on for SuiteCRM, gain the ability to upload multiple file types, documents, and images directly in your CRM.
Create documents in docx, xlsx (MS Office Word and Excel), odt, ods (LibreOffice and OpenOffice) and pdf format without MS Office or others plugins installed from any module and subpanel using templates.
MTS History Summary is a tool that gives you an overview of the history for SuiteCRM records (Accounts, Contacts, Leads). View the last actions taken per record, such as: number of emails sent or calls made, or the last time contact was made. This empowers your business teams to reach out to custome...
The Custom Filter add-on for SuiteCRM allows you to filter and search for desired records from the total list of records, plus save and display the Custom Filter search separately in the module. Create complex filters to find specific records to assign to different sales reps and much more.
Conditional Notification trigger an notifications on the screen and also prevent record from being saved depending on condition mentioned in the Conditional Notification Settings. It also works on detail view of particular module’s record. It also supports on duplicate record.
List-view Colors for SuiteCRM is designed to add color to the rows and text on a list for each row. The highlighting is done based on conditions/filters that you define. Great for identifying records that require attention based on specific conditions.
Timer Tracker helps users manage time spent on each activity within SuiteCRM. It integrates seamlessly with Billing (both Invoice & Quotes) to make generating billing based on hours accrued for customers a breeze.