by Blackant Solutions

Drag N Drop module helps CRM users to create new Documents and relate it to that specific record just by dropping the files into Drag N Drop sidebar widget. The user can upload multiple files at a time. Using Drag and Drop, users can create and relate a document in 2 – 3 seconds which usually take more than 15 seconds.

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Drag N Drop module helps CRM users to create new Documents just by dropping the files into Drag N Drop sidebar widget which is present in the Detail view. The user can upload multiple files at a time. Doing this will also relate the created Documents to that specific record. Using Drag and Drop, users can create and relate a document in 2 – 3 seconds which usually take more than 15 seconds.

From Settings, you can able to Enable/Disable modules. Drag N Drop widgets will be shown in Enabled moduled detail view. Modules which are related to documents will be shown in the Settings.


  • Multiple Documents can be uploaded at once
  • Documents will be related to the record if dropped on the Widget
  • Option to select, at which module user wants to create Drag N Drop widget
  • Supports custom module
  • Can able to set the default value for Dropdown fields from Settings.
  • Can able to show drop-down fields below the widget to change the field value on the file drop.



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