by Variance InfoTech Pvt Ltd

Record Local Time is a SuiteCRM tool that allows you to automatically display the current local time of any record in Leads, Contact or Accounts, based on the timezone or address specified in the record.

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Empower your sales reps to call customers during correct working hours

Are you a sales company having customers located across multiple geographic locations? If yes, then the Record Local Time add-on is very useful for you.

Record Local Time allows you to display the current local time of the record you are working with, which will help your sales team contact customers at the right time instead of calling them on off hours or non-office working hours.

How it Works

Record Local Time extension allows configuration of the module to be set by local timezones. It has an option to set the local time on any module of your SuiteCRM instance.


Follow the set up instructions to set the local time during configuration, then it will automatically display the record’s local time in the DetailView, specific calls on the top, right corner. See example below.



Record Local time displays times based on the following parameters:

  • City
  • State
  • Country

Using parameters, the system will get the timezone and display the time accordingly.

Key Features

  • Manage modules to record local time or easy access to global timezone
  • Easily find the local time information from the address (based on street, city, state and country)
  • Displays on DetailView of a module if it’s active for a particular module from the configuration page
  • Displays local time, date, and timezone of a particular destination
  • Local date displays based on selected date format (y-m-d, m-d-y, d-m-y, y/m/d, y.m.d etc.) for a particular module from the configuration page
  • Local time displays based on the selected time format (24 hours, 12 hours, 24/12 hours with am/pm etc.) for a particular module from the configuration page
  • Also displays a quick view of record local time on popup with real time clock, flag, and timezone details
  • Supports all standard and custom modules

Database Compatibility


Easy to Install and Setup

See more about how it works in our User Guide

See Record Local Time in Action

Click Here To View Demo

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window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date());

gtag('config', 'UA-15055879-1');

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