Record Local Time is a SuiteCRM tool that allows you to automatically display the current local time of any record in Leads, Contact or Accounts, based on the timezone or address specified in the record.
Record Local Time User’s Guide has been developed to assist management, system admin and users. Record Local Time extension allows you to Manage Module Record Local Time or Easy Access to Global Time Zone.
- Record Local Time allows you to Manage Module Record Local Time or Easy Access to Global Time Zone.
- Users can easily find the local Time information from the address(based on street, city, state and country).
- Record Local Time Display on Detail View of Module if it’s Active for a particular Module from Configuration Page.
- Record Local Time Display Local time, Date and Timezone of particular destination.
- Local date display based on selected Date Format(Y-m-d, m-d-Y, d-m-Y, Y/m/d, Y.m.d and etc..) for a particular Module from Configuration Page.
- Local Time display based on selected Time Format(24 Hours, 12 Hours, 24/12 Hours with AM/PM and etc..) for a particular module from Configuration Page.
- Also display Quick view of Record Local Time on popup with Real Time Clock, Flag and Timezone Details.
- Supported all Standard and Custom Modules.
Getting started