by Boru Apps

Save time attaching documents to your SuiteCRM records by using Boru’s Drag and Drop add-on for the Documents module. With easy-to-use functionality, users can upload multiple documents to a record at once.

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Multi-upload documents to your SuiteCRM records

In a standard, open-source SuiteCRM build, adding documents to records one at a time can be very inefficient and frustrating. Boru’s Drag and Drop add-on for SuiteCRM’s Documents module solves this problem with easy-to-use functionality, allowing users to upload multiple documents to a record at once. Drop as many files as you wish into the Drag and Drop doc field and watch your files start to upload immediately! Simply reload the page to view all of the documents attached to the record.

How it Works

Boru Drag and Drop will work with any SuiteCRM module that has a documents tab/related list. By default, the name of the document in SuiteCRM will be the window’s file name.

Drag and Drop Widget

Boru Drag & Drop

Settings Page

Boru Drag & Drop

Stop wasting time by tediously attaching one document at a time to your SuiteCRM records. Get started with a free trial of Boru Drag and Drop today!

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* Free 30 day trial