by Urdhva Tech

Faster address entry with our Google Address add-on for SuiteCRM. Enter verified address data using Autocomplete Google Places API Integration with "Address" field type. Also supports custom modules of type Person and Company. Adds a "Show Map" button to your detail views for any address.

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#5433 cancel subscription - we need to cancel subscription Evoort Solutions Closed General Question
#5277 Address fields overwritten - Hi, we have customized the billing_address_country fields changing from textbox to dropdown; using t dpasqua Closed Installation
#4882 When will CRM 8 version be available? - I'm moving my site to 8, and disappointed to learn that I finally am able to use your module, only t 1reason Closed Installation
#4881 How to remove the Country field? - I'm only operating in one country, so having the country field takes up screen space. How do I remov 1reason Closed Feature
#4850 New install, not working, creates an error that prohibits the ability to enter in the address manually - Same problem as before, trying the plugin again in hopes of it working. Require help 1reason Closed Installation
#4842 New Install account address has a strange graphic that comes up - I am receiving very strange graphic that pops up when I start typing in the address colume. Can you scott7 Closed Installation
#4783 Installation overwrites pre-existing address customisations - Hi We currently have two additional street address fields for each Account/Contact address in Sui jackturner In Progress Installation
#4782 2 API keys required - Hi It doesn't mention in the docs that there are two locations to enter an API key: under "Set up jackturner Closed Installation
#4670 address not filling in custom modules or locations in SuiteCRM - I need this plugin to work with the custom modules I built. In only works in accounts. Can you pleas vincentn Closed Feature
#4654 Update google api key ? - Hi, Module is working fine for months now. I need to update the google api key (owner changed his a nbweb13 Closed Bug?
#4593 New install v7.12 After installing Google Address v1.16 I'm unable to enter street - When I attempt to enter billing address, I am prevented from entering more than one digit, and the f 1reason Closed Bug?
#4362 Is it possible to control the countries included in the search query? - Is there a way to control which countries are considered when performing the address look up? My Shaun Choo Closed General Question
#4059 Map Display not working - I have installed and set API key, the autocomplete is working and is great but when i click show map diamonddiscs Closed Installation
#4034 Doesn't work - I've installed and done the API thing and nothing happens when I type into an address field. It's li ja1 Closed Installation
#3838 SuiteCRM 8 - Would this work on SuiteCRM 8 Beta? CtkSubscriptions Closed Installation
#3752 Clicking Show Map gives me a Can not find location! Google error code : REQUEST_DENIED error - Autocomplete of addresses works, but when I'm on the detail view and click ShowMap we get an error support32 Closed Bug?
#3473 Addon don´t work - Hi, i install the addon but don´t work. I change permission in folder, but don´t work. Can you hel direccion Closed Installation
#3451 You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access. - Using my system administrator account I'm unable to access the module. goodgreek Closed General Question
#3432 "Show Map" link doesn't work on Safari and Chrome - Hi there, All is on subject : the addons works quite well on Firefox, but have a problem on othe Dew Trelong Closed Bug?
#3419 Can't search for address - Hi, Billing Address and shipping address fields are blocked ![Capture.PNG](https://store.suitecr CREdge Closed Bug?
#3406 Use in Custom Module - Loving the product. I'd like to use this in a custom module which is of type Basic. Is that possible kevinjackson Closed General Question
#3391 This page can't load Google Maps correctly. - Hi, installed the module OK, created a project on Google Cloud Platform, generated API key and copie ss_removed_28 Closed Installation
#3337 Incorrectly placed postal code in French Address Format and how to active plugin on calls or meetings modules - Hi, Plugin works well on leads module but how to make it active on other module like meetings or nbweb13 Closed General Question
#3322 City Field is Blank if City is More Than One Word - When using the plugin, we have noticed that cities with more than one word do not populate in the "c ProMaster Closed Bug?
#3264 Installed but not working - Product has been installed by not working. License key validated. API created and enabled. I'm runni kevinjackson Closed Bug?
#3219 autofields are not working - We implemented the module with api and licence but fields are not auto filling. Could you help us ou support27 Closed Bug?
#3148 request for a demo - can you set up one for me? And btw does this plugin support MSSQL database Suite CRM instance? TELEMAR SPA Closed Bug?
#3068 Trouble Saving addressed - Everything works fine until I save the account or lead that I made and the address, that was just po khenson Closed Bug?
#2884 License Error : Key does not exist - Hi, hope you will be able to help. We are getting License Error : Key does not exist, Ran repairs daniel Closed Bug?
#2601 Zip Code in beginning instead of end of City,State,Zip line in detail view - Hello, I noticed that after I installed the aGoogle Address add-on, the Billing Address in Detail cholly Closed Bug?
#2550 Will this populate counties information. USA address - I want the county \ counties to be populated too jacob2 Closed General Question
#2530 install Google Address in custom modules - How do I add "Google Address " to my custom created modules. It works fine in companies and contact knelson Closed Installation
#2521 Address line 2 and city not mapping - Hi, I'm not able to get the full address or even the city to populate the related fields? For exa cooper Closed Bug?
#2501 Request for demo - Hi, Could you please organize a demo site for us so that we can have a look at this plugin's cap akshay.dusane Closed General Question
#2441 License Error : Key does not exist. - I have a problem when I try to edit an existing account the following error "License Error: Key does lpalet Closed Bug?
#2322 How to configurate? - I followed all your instructions to install this plugin and generate a Google API (I have generated Televic Digital Closed Bug?
#2308 License Dissapears - after I validate the license and validates successfully I press continue and it stays in the same s gkarabel Closed Bug?
#2300 Not working - ![![2.PNG]( euroviewinc Closed Bug?
#2229 License Error : Key does not exist. - Autocomplete field works fine, but when I click "show map" my CRM show tis message "License Error : lpalet Closed Installation
#2148 Suburb - Is there any way to pull the suburb from the Google Maps address - perhaps to line two of the street andrewg Closed Feature
#2086 Not Working when Installed - tfairbanks Closed Installation
#1899 latitude and longitude - How can we enable passing latitude and longitude from google maps to CRM using the pre-existing lati rickdolishny Closed Feature
#1785 City, State, and Zip disappears upon saving - The field appears to work correctly, when I type an address in, the city, state, and zip populate as 1reason Closed General Question
#1696 Added another address field in Accounts and Google Address isn't populating - When I create another address field in the Account module, the field shows up as "TextField" and Goo 1reason Closed General Question
#1517 OVER_QUERY_LIMIT - Hello, I uninstalled the previous version and installed 1.1.3. The API key is enabled with Googl daniel Closed Bug?
#1512 OVER_QUERY_LIMIT - - Good afternoon We have problems for the complement to work. We have updated to version 1.1.3 but altia_valladolid Closed Bug?
#1509 Can not find location! Google error code : OVER_QUERY_LIMIT - I purchased the add-on today 10/19/2018 downloaded installed per the instructions and I receive the swelker Closed Bug?
#1505 I have same issue as #1493 - Can not find location! Google error code : OVER_QUERY_LIMIT - I was told to look for a new download in my purchase history and it is the same as I have installed. Lucian Rye Closed Bug?
#1501 I have same issue as #1493 - Can not find location! Google error code : OVER_QUERY_LIMIT - I continue to receive OVER_QUERY_LIMIT, it used to work fine. lrye Closed Bug?
#1493 Can not find location! Google error code : OVER_QUERY_LIMIT - Hi, I have been using the plugin since August 2018, I encounter the issue of **Can not find location martin1 Closed Bug?
#1217 It does not with Suitecrm Versionen 7.2.1 - I had no problems with the installation. But if I tested it with a address it doesn´t work. finance Closed Feature
#1069 accessibility support and Microsoft SQL / IIs support? - Hello does this solution is screen reader friendly? i.e. accessible? and does it matter if my i Serge Pelletier Closed General Question
#1026 Problem button to see the map - Good afternoon I do not get the button to see the map, it shows up in my custom modules. They are altia_valladolid Closed Installation
#1020 Problem - I followed the installation guide but it does not work in any suitecrm module Version 7.8.15 Sug altia_valladolid Closed Installation
#979 The Google Address plugin not work - I activate the module and the Google API, but the plugin dose not work. The SuiteCRM is in Spani jcomas Closed Installation
#946 Plugin dosent work - Have ou the probabilitz to take an look to our CRM instance via romte and find the error. i install mirko Closed Bug?
#882 Is it possible to adjust format? - If I look up an address it always comes back in the format Number Street In Holland Street Number i pvzijl Closed Feature
#801 compatible with Suite CRM running IIS and MSSQL? accessibility ? - hello is your module compatible with Microsoft SQL ? is the control accessible for blind person? Serge Pelletier Closed General Question
#796 not work with another language - Hello, I have been testing the plugin and it works well in English, but when I use a different lang lpalet Closed Bug?
#755 Doesnt work - Hello, We installed, generated new Google API key and are not seeing auto-complete working in any silvershark Closed Installation
#617 Show Map button doesn't show map - Recently installed on SuiteCRM 7.9.4, running on Amazon AWS Linux. Installed ok with new API key, an BlackSandPublishing Closed Bug?
#586 Commas After Street Numbers - We tried your software today and noticed that a comma is added after a street number, but before a s ACM Closed Bug?
#570 Use short_name for state - Looks nice. I assume it'll be quite trivial to change the state entry to short_name instead of lo jdickinson Closed General Question
#519 Message - "Oops! Something went wrong." - It worked right after I installed it, and then, now, I simply get the above message 1reason Closed Installation
#467 no function - Sorry, I made the installation following the steps but it doesn't work. Suite version 7.8.5 Can lpalet Closed Installation
#443 No Show Map link - Hi, just installed this great Extension, but the "Show Map" link does nor show for us on edit vi daniel Closed General Question
  • "Very useful addition to our CRM instance. Had a few issues getting the Google configuration right but the support from Urdhva Tech was rapid and effec..." - ss_removed_28

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