by Urdhva Tech

Faster address entry with our Google Address add-on for SuiteCRM. Enter verified address data using Autocomplete Google Places API Integration with "Address" field type. Also supports custom modules of type Person and Company. Adds a "Show Map" button to your detail views for any address.

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#5277 - Address fields overwritten

Closed Installation created by dpasqua Verified Purchase about a year ago

Hi, we have customized the billing_address_country fields changing from textbox to dropdown; using this module I have lost this customization, the fields goes back to textbox. is it possible to keep as dropdown o avoid the overwriting?

  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    about a year ago

    It is because the EditView.tpl has been changed. What I would suggest is to copy the code of country dropdown from your changes and put it back to EditView.tpl And in regards to have the dropdown populate automatically when google address is choose, below is the file where you can change the code to get the dropdown selected. custom/include/SugarFields/Fields/Address/SugarFieldAddress.js

  2. dpasqua member avatar

    dpasqua Verified Purchase

    about a year ago

    ok thanks I will try

  3. dpasqua member avatar

    dpasqua Verified Purchase

    about a year ago

    just for info I managed to fix everything, thanks for the support!

    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      about a year ago

      Thank you for the update. Closing this case.

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

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