by Urdhva Tech

Faster address entry with our Google Address add-on for SuiteCRM. Enter verified address data using Autocomplete Google Places API Integration with "Address" field type. Also supports custom modules of type Person and Company. Adds a "Show Map" button to your detail views for any address.

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#586 - Commas After Street Numbers

Closed Bug? created by ACM Verified Purchase 7 years ago

We tried your software today and noticed that a comma is added after a street number, but before a street name.

Example. We created a lead with a test address.

We get: 3472, Research Parkway We want: 3472 Research Parkway

I exported the record and the comma is in the Primary Address field. See screenshot:

Screenshot at 2017-09-01 13-22-26.png

Is this to be expected? Or can your addon strip it out? I was wondering if the data comes from Google this way and needs stripping, or is the comma inadvertently added by the addon.

Thank you!

  1. urdhvatech member avatar

    Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

    7 years ago

    Hello There,

    Thank you for your question. Yes, the comma was added by our add-on. Now We have just released a new Version GoogleAddress1.1.1. that will fix the issue.

    Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

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