by Urdhva Tech

Faster address entry with our Google Address add-on for SuiteCRM. Enter verified address data using Autocomplete Google Places API Integration with "Address" field type. Also supports custom modules of type Person and Company. Adds a "Show Map" button to your detail views for any address.

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#2601 - Zip Code in beginning instead of end of City,State,Zip line in detail view

Closed Bug? created by cholly 5 years ago


I noticed that after I installed the aGoogle Address add-on, the Billing Address in Detail View now displays the zip code at the BEGINNING of the City,State,Zip line instead of at the end. The screen shot here shows before and after (it's actually my 7.10 version WITHOUT install Google Address and then my 7.11 WITH Google Address installed)


Thank you!

  1. cholly member avatar


    5 years ago


    • urdhvatech member avatar

      Urdhva Tech Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago


      Thank you for the information. We have release the updated version. Can you please try that?

      Thanks & Regards, Team Urdhva Tech

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  • "Love the autofill function. I picked up a new client from Canada and when inputting the address the plugin automatically. Setting up the google maps..." - scott7

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