Official SuiteCRM Outlook Plugin v4 has arrived - Compatible with the Outlook Web App or Outlook 2016+ connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2016. A complete rebuild developed and maintained by SuiteCRM developers, the addon retains previous functionality while massively improves performance, reliability and stability!
Release Notes
[Version 4.2.1] Released 17 June 2024
Fixed Issues:
- Improved Display Consistency: Users who opt for the 'Subpanel Tabs' user preference will now experience a more consistent display layout throughout the application.
- Outlook Sync Enabled Checkbox: Fixed issue with Outlook sync enabled checkbox remaining checked, allowing users to now uncheck it as intended.
- Scheduler Sync Time: Fixed issue where the scheduler run time would display as today's date instead of the last run time in the Outlook Configuration panel.
- Error handling: Fixed error handling for empty mail folders, attachments, and users so the scheduler will still run and not output a failed result.
- Failed Decryption handling: Fixed decryption error handling which prevented the plugin from loading in some scenarios.
Please Uninstall version 4.2.0 before installing 4.2.1, all settings and data should be unaffected
[Version 4.2.0] Released 23 January 2024
Fixed Issues:
- Archive button added spacing when results show more than 6 records.
- Updated hover and select colour for Records results in the Archive tab.
- Updated information labels for Validate Key within the Outlook Config Panel.
Features Added:
- Angular framework upgrade to version 16.1.
- New Tab UI design for Authentication/Achrive/Settings.
- New design to Authentication page.
- New design to Achrive page.
- A new Setting Page has been added to display user information.
Please Uninstall version 4.1.0 before installing 4.2.0, all settings and data should be unaffected
[Version 4.1.0] Released 17 October 2023
Features Added
- SuiteCRM 8 Support added.
- Outlook Plugin Re-design.
- SuiteCRM API checks before authentication.
Please Uninstall version 4.0.3 before installing 4.1.0, all settings and data should be unaffected
[Version 4.0.3] Released 30 August 2023
Fixed Issues:
- Fix Profile Outlook Sync Folders tab not appearing.
- Fix Outlook license key validation when inputting an invalid license key it will no longer store a blank string in the database.
- Fix Outlook Sync Folders so if no folders are selected this will prevent all emails from being processed.
- Fix License Key save where the licence key would not be saved with the default save button.
- Fix PHP warning on foreach when no emails are returned from the selected folder.
- Fix viewing the user panel in Firefox as the Outlook tab would not load in the correct tab.
- Fix folder multi-select as it was not possible to save the outlook folder multi-select when no folders were selected, leading to inconsistent behaviour.
- Fix removed duplicate API calls to licencing API.
- Improved readability and ensure licence checks are appropriate.
- Updated and Improved Azure Permission functionality and logging.
- Updated and Improved info, error and fatal Logging.
- New Test Azure Sync from the admin panel has been added.
Please Uninstall version 4.0.2 before installing 4.0.3, all settings and data should be unaffected
[Version 4.0.2] Released 3 May 2023
Fixed Issues:
- Fix 7.13 Compatibility issues
- Fix User Subpanel Sorting Database Error
- Updated and Improved Error Logging
- Updated and Improved Info Logging
Please Uninstall version 4.0.1 before installing 4.0.2, all settings and data should be unaffected
[Version 4.0.1] Released 16 June 2022
- Fix 7.12 Comparability issues
- Fix Store licence validation issues
- Fix User is not Licensed error
- Prevent Error Loop on Logout/licence API failures
- Remove admin notices on subpanel loading
- Update Unknown Error Message
- Improve Sync Error handling
- Update Users Integration to use ajax (avoid updating key files)
- Update API endpoint to use /Api/index.php/ to simplify setup
- Add default admin icon
Please Uninstall version 4.0.0 before installing 4.0.1, all settings and data should be unaffected
[Version 4.0.0] Released 31 August 2020
Completely plugin rebuild from the ground up to resolve legacy issues. For more info see our FAQ
[Version 3.0.22] Released 10th September 2019
Fixed Issues:
- Validate licence pop-up keeps appearing
- Deferred start-up
- Slow down when removing calendar items
- Prevent CRM URL issue
- Unable to press save button on settings
- Contact manual sync V2
[Version 3.0.20] Released 28th June 2019
Fixed Issues:
- Resolved incorrect License Checks (due to deferred start up)
- Ensures TLS 1.2+ being enforced
- Improve Startup Performance
- Upgraded v4.6.1 to v4.6.2
[Version 3.0.18] Released 12th February 2019
New Features:
- Ability to select and archive emails against related records when returning results
- Ability to re-archive emails
- Ability to auto archive emails to accounts
- Ability to search and select record on Send and Archive
- Ability to Manually synchronise Contacts
- Ability to select synchronisation direction of meetings/calls/tasks/contacts individually
- Upgraded to use .NET 4.6
Fixed Issues:
- Resolved memory leaks and improved performance
- Resolved Unable to load DLL ‘tidy.x64.dll’ issue
- Resolved set recipient address in the search dialog when archiving SENT emails
- Resolved duplication for synchronising meetings/tasks
[Version 3.0.11] Released 5th February 2018
Fixed Issues:
- Updates to Meeting invitees were not synchronising.
- Cancelled Meetings were still showing as active in the Outlook Calendar.
- Meetings would not synchronise to Outlook depending on their source (e.g. Gmail).
- Meetings created via clicking the CRM Calendar would not synch to Outlook.
- To / From / CC / BCC fields on an archived e-mail were blank.
- Meetings would only synchronise to the CRM if you were the Organiser.
- More support for PHP 7.1
[Version 3.0.9] Released 25th October 2017
Fixed Issues:
- Issue installing Plugin on 32bit operating systems
- Issue with archiving emails
- Improved meeting sync
- Issue with “Assigned user” values
- Improved identification of synced Outlook Meeting items in the CRM
- Issue with meeting duplication
- Issue with task sync
[Version 3.0.7] Released 30th August 2017
- LDAP Support
- Outlook plugin is now available as an MSI package
Fixed Issues:
- Issue viewing Auto Archive tab in Outlook 2010
- Issue causing configuration loss when updating Outlook
- Improved archived message identification
- Issue when syncing to the CRM without export access
- Archived history items do not set the “From” field correctly
- Prevented tasks from syncing to Outlook from the CRM without a Due Date
- Improved logging information
- Improved saved settings to prevent setting loss from occurring
Known Issues:
- Issue with manual email archiving causing duplication in Outlook 2013 (Please restart the plugin if encountering this issue)
[Version 3.0.5] Released 12th June 2017
- You can now upgrade without requiring to un-install previous versions of the plug-in.
- Further updated icon set - SuiteP
Fixed Issues:
- Issue searching Custom modules of type 'Company'
- Improved change detection of synchronised records
- Address book cutting off the “Finish” and “Cancel” buttons
- Calendar Meeting description being overwritten by Accept/Decline invites
- Unable to change type of error logging via settings
- Issue when syncing multiple emails from the same person
- Issue when Sending and Archiving with attachments
- Improved duplication check of created Meetings/Calls between CRM and Outlook
- Issue on PHP 7.1 environment unable to connect to CRM
- Intermittent issue causing loss of plug-in settings
- Issue on creating Tasks with no due date synchronisation
[Version 3.0.4] Released 15th May 2017
- LDAP Support
- Search & Archive against Opportunities
Fixed Issues:
- Ability to change level of logging
- Improved Performance – additional caching and multi-threading
- Resolved Auto Archiving Receive/Sent minor issues
[Version 3.0.3]
- Archive to Custom Modules
- Assign Categories to Emails (only available with SuiteCRM 7.9)
- Ability to Accept/Decline a Meeting if created via CRM
- Outlook Contacts are turned Private if deleted or unsynced on CRM
- Hit Enter to Search
Fixed Issues:
- Synchronise Meetings & Calls does not appear on CRM Calendar View
- Improved Performance – robust caching and multi-threading
- Tasks not deleting in Outlook when removed on CRM
- Updated Tasks Export Rights
- Resolved Archiving Received/Sent by minor issues
- Resolved Cascading deletion of objects on Outlook
- CRM synced Call incorrectly reference Account Telephone in To address
- Search Button being unresponsive
- Improved Timezone Support
- Plugin Settings Box Resizable
- Resolved Indexing pointer during Synchronisation
[Version 3.0.2]
- New SuiteP themed icon set
- Add logging level control in Settings window
- Warning popup if a sync conflict is detected
- Send and archive button added to Email compose window
Fixed Issues:
- Archive window size dynamically set on load.
- SuiteCRM Outlook plugin license authentication in background
- Contacts on a multi page set up sync bug resolved
- Removes duplicate email search
- Ability to mouse right click and archive for 2010 and 2013
- Sync checks set to off by default of initial install
- Private Outlook contacts made more responsive
- Resolve the encoding and decoding of text between SuiteCRM and Outlook bug
- Multiple back-end bug fixes
- CRM Contacts are not marked_deleted if deleted on Outlook
[Version 3.0.1]
Fixed Issues:
- Improved Threading
- Improved logging for licence key validation checks
- Improved settings dynamics
- Easy disable option added
- Private CRM contacts removed from Outlook
- Outlook created contacts can now be updated from both Outlook and the CRM
[Version 3.0.0]
Initial Release February 2017
- Full auto synchronisation with Outlook 2010 upwards
- Manual archiving with Outlook 2007