by Simbanic

Enhanced PDF Template add-on allows user to generate a PDF for any SuiteCRM module.

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#5524 PDF Extension not working on custom module after upgrade to version 8.6.1 - We recently upgraded our instance to version 8.6.1 and the PDF extension is no longer working. The o markjlouis Open Bug?
#5369 Plugin version and license error for Suitecrm 7.14 - Dear Simbanic I am currently in the process of evaluating the quality of this plugin. My enviro Open Installation
#4395 Get error 404 Not Found when pressing Download PDF - Hello, my boss has just downloaded & installed a trial version of this for me to try. I was able jeninmacc Open Bug?
#4120 Download Button not appearing in Detail View - Hey, I installed the plugin and followed the steps listed [here]( it29 Open Bug?
#3925 images are not rendered - Hi, we use the enhanced pdf template a lot. It worked all the time but since a few days the image office4 Open Bug?
#3812 Cant generate PDFs of lists - Hi I purchased this addon and I have renew it each year since then, but I havent need until now to g andreszafra Open Bug?
#3463 Generate pdf "Enhanced PDF" rounder corner doesnt appear in pdf - Hi, I have created a nice quote template with a nice header. I am trying to have some rounded co Tevotech Open General Question
#3354 How to create a contact profile + listing of its subpanel modules - Customer profile - list of calls - list of meetings - list of cases - list of documents uploaded danielyma Closed Bug?
#2296 Enhanced PDF Template is available or not on - We have purchased the Enhanced PDF Template Trial version yesterday, but it seems the documentation ShibuSukumaran Closed Installation
#1987 Email Module - Hello, Is it possible to generate a PDF document from the Email module? Pedro Closed General Question
#1856 HTTP 500 Error on PDF Download - Hi when we try to download a PDF for a specific custom module a HTTP 500 error is thrown. We are abl OPDS Closed Bug?
#1810 New Install - Error when trying to download pdf from any module - I installed the add-on and performed the configuration. Some of the modules were already listed by d kinetix Closed Bug?
#1752 One to Many relationships data not printed - Hi, I installed your module but One to Many relationships data are not printed. Can you help me? marilena Closed Bug?
#1475 Email functionality is not available - In the new modules that are included when buying the plugin (for example the opportunity) does not l Etairos Business Solutions Closed Feature
#1474 Can't download PDF - Hi, I installed the plugin in a test instance. I created a template for the opportunities. When I tr Etairos Business Solutions Closed Bug?
#1303 PDF Template - I need assistance creating a very specific pdf template. I need to be able to put an image of a curr deitz1321 Closed General Question
#1253 Product lines fields not showing in Quotes pdf - I create a new pdf template for the Quotes module, then load the Quote sample, I'm able to show modu wfabianbl Closed Bug?
#1214 Download PDF works on some of the modules, one it doesnt and extrememly slow on the quotes module - WE are trying to use this to be able to print from any module and we are having issues with the cust systems Closed Bug?
#1188 Blank Fields - If there is a field which has been left blank, the PDF prints the field name instead of a blank spac RichardGreenscape Closed Bug?
#1113 Download PDF not appearing - My end goal is to be able to download a pdf template from the Projects module based on the Projects deitz1321 Closed General Question
#960 Cannot access Enhanced PDF Template's Admin Settings - Hi, After installing your module and doing a quick repair, when I go to Admin -> Enhanced PDF Te whitecoat Closed Bug?