by Simbanic

Enhanced PDF Template add-on allows user to generate a PDF for any SuiteCRM module.

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#5369 - Plugin version and license error for Suitecrm 7.14

Open Installation created by 9 months ago

Dear Simbanic

I am currently in the process of evaluating the quality of this plugin. My environment is : Suitecrm 7.14.3; Hosted in : PHP 8.0; Database : 10.6.16-MariaDB

Firstly, I have installed **the plugin using Module loader. - the plugin file which I used was : - when I see the "Date **Published" column, it mentions "2018-01-01", not "2019-03-17" as shown in the Suitecrm Store Download page

Secondly, I accessed its to** License configuration** (URL : index?module=AOS_PDF_Templates&action=license) - when I pressed "Validate" button, nothing is going on. It doesn't move to the next screen to show "success" message

Then, I went to access the** PDF Templates screen**, - created 1 simple PDF template for Accounts module - when I go to Accounts, it shows an **error **pop up , showing : "There was an error processing your request, please try again at a later time." message

Now I had to reluctantly uninstall the Plugin to make the Accounts module back to normal. The question is : - Is this plugin working for Suitecrm 7.14 , because the website mentions : "Works on versions 7.0.0 and above" - Do you happen to have and published the latest /correct plugin in the SuiteCRM Store already?

Could you please help, so that this evaluation can run smoothly?


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