by Simbanic

Enhanced PDF Template add-on allows user to generate a PDF for any SuiteCRM module.

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#1253 - Product lines fields not showing in Quotes pdf

Closed Bug? created by wfabianbl 6 years ago

I create a new pdf template for the Quotes module, then load the Quote sample, I'm able to show module fields with no problem, as well as related module with a table, however the product lines wich are shown normally in this sample are not being resolved when I hit download pdf, they are showing like "$aos_products_quotes_product_qty" and so on in the pdf.

  1. simbanic member avatar

    Simbanic Provider

    6 years ago

    Thank you for reporting the bug. We will reproduce it and will be back as soon as possible.

    • simbanic member avatar

      Simbanic Provider

      6 years ago

      We have reproduced it. We will start to work on by tomorrow and will update in the new release as soon as possible. Thanks.

  2. simbanic member avatar

    Simbanic Provider

    6 years ago

    The Issue has been resolved. Please download the latest release and test it.

  3. simbanic member avatar

    Simbanic Provider

    6 years ago

    Hello Sir,

    Please let us know if you got the chance to download and test the new release?

    Thanks, Alpesh

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