by GrinMark

Make life easier by reducing the need to flip between apps. If you are using Outlook Web App, Outlook 2013, or Outlook 2016 connected to Office365 or Exchange Server 2013 then be sure to take advantage of this email and contact synchronization add-on. Smartly links emails to your SuiteCRM records and keeps your contacts in sync.

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Synchronizing Items in Outlook

Synchronizing Items in Outlook

Synchronizing items is as easy as pressing Synchronize button at Synchronization page.

Sync settings

Note: Mark emails in Outlook with a category ToCRM. Such emails will be processed in selected folders (Inbox/Sent Items) and automatically archived.

Synchronization starts. It may take some time (several seconds per contact). If you have hundreds or thousands of contacts then expect it to take hours for the first time.

Sync in progress

Once sync is done you will receive a confirmation Email with sync details:

Sync completed

This email summarizes all changes made in CRM and in Outlook 365 by last sync.

If synchronization is ever done Synchronization tab shows information about synced items:

Sync stats

Where (1) shows items synced form Office 365 address book to CRM and (2) shows items copied in the opposite direction.

New means item created at destination Updated means that some fields were update Merged means that the same contact is found as created independently in both systems and it is merged by GrinMark AddIn to avoid duplicates.

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  • "Does not work with version 8.5.1. When navigating to GrinMark Synchronizer Add-on > License Configuration in SuiteCRM, we receive the following er..." - gbirk1962

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