Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.
Release Notes
- PHP 8 suppoort
- Fix Group Message dashlet (thanks Dirk!)
- Meetings and Calls were not adding invited users correctly in certain scenarios
- With the Hide Restricted setting on, shared calendars would still show other's calendars if their rights were set to List->Owner
- Addressed export issue caused by "undefined function cleanCSV()". Affects 7.12.x, 7.11.21+, and 7.10.32+.
- Improved support for PHP 8
- Cleaned up PHP notices
- Add Admin Rights support for the Employees module
- User admins could not perform a Reset Password for other users
- Hookup Tool page did not work in SuiteCRM 7.11.16 to 7.11.19
- Added Additional Assigned Users support to Subpanels
- Added Additional Assigned Users support to Quick Create forms
- Fixed Mass Assign when doing a Select All while searching with a filter that uses a custom relate field
- Fixed dashlet filtering by assigned user
- Allow Additional Assigned Users to copy over during the Duplicate process
Fixed Advanced Filter issue when searching for more than 1 assigned user.
Dashlets Assigned User filter searching now supports the Additional Assigned Users field
Dashboard - Dashlets also have “Assigned to” filter field in their Options panel. But this “Assigned to” filter fields do show all users in the system despite of “Filter User List” setting.
Updated Italian translation provided by Mayer Elyashiv of Lion Solution (
Addressed PHP Warnings with the MessageDashlet
API getEntry returns no value for Additional Assigned Users
Version 3.1.19
- Added List View search support for the Assigned Users field. Searching for an assigned user will also search the Additional Assigned User(s) field.
Version 3.1.18
- Add support for the SuitePImproved theme by Urdhva Tech (must install this after the theme is installed)
- Alternative method for group-based query creation. Use if performance is dragging by setting the following in config_override.php:
$sugar_config['securitysuite_use_exists_query'] = true;
A special thanks to Grace Christian University.
Version 3.1.17
- My Activity Stream not displaying any results
- Failed opening .../license/config.php
- Add SecurityGroups field support for Notes, Target Lists, and Email Templates
Version 3.1.16
- Default Groups for New Records would only show as many groups as the max number of list items to display
- Converting Leads is not inheriting from parent record
Version 3.1.15
- Fix by eapunk for a possible issue if someone uses multiple tabs to search and then Assign Groups. More info at
- Allow User admins the ability to edit user statuses
Version 3.1.14
- Strict Rights would not work in concert with the Additive Rights setting being turned OFF (Additive Rights is set to ON by default)
Version 3.1.13
- Strict Rights only gave access to records with roles with access set to Group. Now also includes rights greater than Group (e.g. All).
Version 3.1.12
- If the Filter Users List option was enabled then User admins could not see any users on the list view.
Version 3.1.11
- Added a special "User Admin Only" user type for the Users/Security Groups/Roles ACL row. This allows a user to create and edit other users and assign them to roles or groups. However, they cannot create or edit existing roles. (Professional and Enterprise only)
Version 3.1.10
- Fixes an issue where the SecurityGroups and Additional Assigned User(s) fields kept showing up on the layout in Studio after doing a Save & Deploy.
- Custom group popup layouts were using the default layout
- Added back in dashlet support for the Additional Assigned Users field
Version 3.1.9
- Users granted admin studio rights could not create new fields (Professional & Enterprise plans)
Version 3.1.8
- SuiteCRM admins could not edit their own user record
Version 3.1.7
- User admins could not create new users
Version 3.1.6
- Add primary group custom layout support for quick creates and search views
- Fixed issue that caused possible duplicate records to not save
- Added proxy support. Thanks to Czirbesz László from Soulware (
- Resolved issues with certain languages due to BOM. Thanks to Czirbesz László from Soulware (
- Improved Hungarian translation thanks to Czirbesz László from Soulware (
Version 3.1.5
- Fixed issue causing add dashlets or tabs not to work
Version 3.1.4
- Fixed My Items filter on dashlets
- Removed unneeded logging
- Now only emails the assignment notification for additional users when initially added to the record
- Additional Users functionality now also supports list views and popups.
Version 3.1.3
- Fixed dashlet actions not working after adding the Group Message dashlet
- Add not inheritable user groups to selectable groups
Version 3.1.2
- Added Create rights support to all AOR/AOS/AOW modules
Version 3.1.1
- Fixed issue that caused users with Create rights not to be able to create records if they did not have Edit rights as well.
Version 3.1.0
- Multiple Assigned Users (Enterprise only)
- Fixed issue that caused Inbound Email accounts not to lock down correctly
Version 3.0.1
- Now able to switch between Enhanced and Professional plans by simply changing the license key. No need to uninstall and install the other version.
Version 3.0.0
- New Professional plan with sub-admin permissions (To be announced soon)
- Removed duplicate menu links in SuiteCRM when viewing roles or users
- Fixed menu images in SuiteCRM when viewing the SecuritySuite module
- Fixed issue where the Security Group field could not be removed from search views
- Fixed issue in SuiteCRM where the user relationship could not be edited for a Security Group so that Not Inheritable or Primary could not be set.
Version 2.9.6
- Fixed issue in SuiteCRM where changes to custom group layouts would not go into effect unless a Quick Repair & Rebuild was ran
Version 2.9.5
- Added PHP7 support ** Many SecurityGroups functions where changed to static.
- Fixed report dashlets not returning data. (Thanks staganyi)
- Shared Calendar - Hide Restricted not working
- Added a new Show Group Events on Calendar setting
- Modules created via Module Builder not hooked up to Security Groups correctly ** This fix only applies for future modules built via Module Builder.
- "Use Creator Group Select" panel appears at the top of the page for SuiteP theme
Version 2.9.4
- New field in Studio to add Security Groups to list, popup, detail, and edit views.
- With the "Use Creator Group Select" option, if the parent record of a new record has one or more security groups then the groups that the current member belong to will be auto selected.
Version 2.9.1
- Fixed bug in My Activity Stream for an "isOwner" error.
Version 2.9.0
- My Activity Stream now filters out any records that the user does not have rights to making the dashlet much more useful.
- Related links in dashlets now show or hide correctly based on both owner rights and group rights.
Version 2.8.2
- Added the ability to set up Dashlets with Security Groups filters. This allows users to be able to filter dashlets by specific groups.
Version 2.8.1
- The license validation may conflict with other installed add-ons due to having the same class name. This has been made unique for this package now.
Version 2.8.0
- Create rights in SuiteCRM is now a separate column from Edit rights. Example use-case is a "data entry" role that can enter data, but can never edit existing data. Also great for users who should never be able to create new records such as Leads or Opportunities. They can only work on existing records.
Version 2.7.4
- Moved some config items over to config_override to avoid file permission issues
- Fixed issue with saving a field in Studio on installs that never used Studio prior to installing SecuritySuite
- Removed an unneeded create link on the SecuritySuite Settings page
- Addressed post install issues that made it look like SecuritySuite never got installed
Version 2.7.3
- Added a new option called "Shared Calendar - Hide Restricted" to hide all calendar items on the Shared Calendar that the user does not have rights to.
Version 2.7.2
- If a relationship was added between SecurityGroups and SchedulersJobs in an install it would cause the securitygroups_records table to inflate dramatically. This would then cause performance issues. If you are facing this issue, please upgrade to this version and delete from the securitygroups_records table where the module is SchedulersJobs and then degrag the securitygroups_records table.
- Updated Hungarian translation by Laszlo Czirbesz (Soulware Zrt.). Thank you!
Version 2.7.1
- Each calendar now only shows items for the user that is associated to the calendar. Previously it would show any group calendar items if permissions were set to Group or higher for the various activities.
Version 2.7.0
- A new "Security Groups" field has been added to Studio that allows you to add a field to your Search forms to filter by the security groups assigned to the records.
Version 2.6.7
- Mark a Primary Group for a user which indicates which group layout should apply to a user if a member of more than 1 group.
- The "Use Creator Group Select" option now also applies to quick create forms in subpanels.
Version 2.6.6
- If the Show Real Names option is selected then the group calendar will now use real names
- If Show Real Names is in use sorting will be based on real name on the group calendar
- Checks members of a group now based on the user status being Active instead of checking on the employee_status field.
Version 2.6.5
- EmailTemplate dropdown in EmailMarketing module was not filtering by group rights
Version 2.6.4
- In certain cases adding users to a group via the popup select would not work in Firefox. This was due to the AjaxUI.
Version 2.6.3
- If the "Use Creator Group Select" option was selected (non-default) the subpanel create forms would not load.
Version 2.6.2
- A new option to lock down group mail accounts (inbound email accounts) to only those assigned to the same group as the currently logged in user
- Fixed a weird looking bug in Studio if running a version of SecuritySuite that doesn't match the current version of Sugar. (By the way - don't do that. Upgrade to match the same version or records may not be secured. Functionality will break in some capacity).
Version 2.6.1
- The Filter User List option now filters the user dropdown on the user search to only show the users in the same group(s) as the current user
- Popup Select option is now the Use Creator Group Select option. This will add a panel to any record creation screen to allow users to select which groups of theirs that should be assigned to the newly created record
- Creator inheritance now does not apply if Use Creator Group Select is activate
Version 2.5.6
- Updated German translation thanks to Robert Laussegger of iscon group
- Fixed calendar activity creation bug
- Fixed bug where a user could add all contact so a Target List even if they couldn't see them due to Security Group restrictions.
Version 2.5.5
- Admins can send to a specific group now. If they are not a member of the group they send to they can only post and see their own message. No other messages from anyone in the group can be seen by the admin. (Thanks to Sebastian for the idea and code snippets.)
- User popup option works when adding a new user with new ajax ui
- Popup select option working for any subpanel using ajax ui. All other subpanels (such as history->notes) do not currently work.