by eggsurplus

Control what your users can access and save time, money, and frustrations. Lock down sensitive data in SuiteCRM to specific groups or teams. Supports unlimited assigned users, unlimited group assignments to records, custom layouts for each group, login/sudo capabilities and much more.

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Multiple Assigned Users

Assign Many Users to a Record

This has been a long time limitation in SuiteCRM, but not anymore. Now you can add a new Additional Assigned Users field to your records and it works just like the main Assigned To user field. Record permissions, assignment notifications, etc work as you would expect it to. To give it a try select the Enterprise plan and start a new trial.

Interface for Adding Unlimited Users

Add Multiple Assigned Users in SuiteCRM

Additional Assigned Users features

It works just like your normal Assigned to field:

  • Record Permissions - Any Additional Assigned User acts as the Owner of the record
  • My Items - Respects searches and dashlets with the My Items option checked
  • Assignment Notifications - When each user is added they will receive an assignment email just like the "Assigned to" field.

Note: Reports may not support the Additional Assigned Users field by default

Multiple Assigned Users in SuiteCRM

How to Add to a Layout

First, open up Studio and go to the module that you want to add the field to. Then open up either the EditView or DetailView. The new Additional Assigned User(s) field will be in the field list on the left.

Studio - Add Additional Users Field

Then, place the new field in the desired location. For example, on a new row below the Assigned to field.

Studio - Additional Users Field

Finally, click on Save & Deploy. The field is now ready to use.

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  • "Thank you so much. Highly recommend the module to work in teams."

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