All-In-One CTI is a computer telephony integration between SugarCRM and most popular PBXs. Easy install. Stable work. 100% support.
Install Guide - Asterisk FreePBX
1. System requirements
PBX-connector system requirements:
- Linux (CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu) with version 2.6 kernel operating system
- Asterisk 1.8, Asterisk 11, Asterisk 13, Asterisk 16 or FreePBX version 2.x
2. Please Check Before Installation
- Server satisfies the system requirements (see above)
- You have administrator level access to the server
- You have installation package (installation package name may vary for different Asterisk versions and different platforms x86 or x64)
3. PBX-connector Installation
3.1. Download PBX connector for your PBX and run installation.
Asterisk 1.8 cd /tmp/; wget; unzip; /tmp/prostiezvonki/install;
Asterisk 11 cd /tmp/; wget; unzip; /tmp/prostiezvonki/install;
Asterisk 13 cd /tmp/; wget; unzip; /tmp/prostiezvonki/install;
Asterisk 16 cd /tmp/; wget; unzip; /tmp/prostiezvonki/install;
3.2. Go through installation wizard. * Set license: - For Asterisk 11 you can use this Public demo key - BYSSH37377950851433441741 - For Asterisk 13 you can use this Public demo key - GXAQI92421224651843456094 - For Asterisk 16 you can use this Public demo key - QRZ54837QRZ54837 - For FreePBX - accoding to version of Asterisk your FreePBX based on - For Elastix - accoding to version of Asterisk your FreePBX based on - For any other PBX - request your personal trial key for your PBX. Please send request email to In your email write name and version of your PBX. Note! PBX-connector verifies license key by submitting license key to Vedisoft's license server. If you have firewall installed please allow the PBX-connector to establish HTTPS connections to external Note! Do not confuse the license key for CRM and PBX. The lisense you got from SugarOutfitters should be used in Admin Panel in your CRM. License for PBX is absolutely different license. Note! You can request your personal trial key for your PBX. Please send request email to In your email write name and version of your PBX. web-sites. * Set password: you can put here any value or leave it empty. You should the same password in AIOC Settings in CRM Admin Panel. * Set port (default port 10150): * Set internal number length (default is 3) * Set type of channel, Options (default value SIP): Set "IAX" if you use IAX * Use SSL (true/false, default value false): Try to make it works without SSL first. After you can change it in /etc/asterisk/cel_prostiezvonki.conf in parameter use_ssl * Hostname for SSL (default value name this host hostname) * Do you want have public link audio records? (yes/no) * Port of the server Statistics (default 8090). This is web service with statistic. It is used if you need some standard Call Center's reports. * Address of PBX-connector (wss - with SSL, ws - without SSL, default ws://
Note! If you have FreePBX version 2.11 and above please do the following instead. Find the /etc/asterisk/cel.conf link and find the actual folder this link maps to (/var/www/html/admin/modules/cdr/etc/ by default). Please copy PBX-connector configuration file cel.conf to that folder and overwrite the existing file (it's safe!).
4. FreePBX Configuration
1) Verify the user extensions (Applications - Extensions). If you have Outbound CID field value defined, then please use the following format only: "User name"
5. Smart transfer configuration
You can use "Smart transfer" feature to transfer incoming calls to responsible employees automatically without IVR or secretary.
If you want to use the "Smart transfer" feature please do the following:
1) In /etc/asterisk/cel_prostiezvonki.conf switch the smart_transfer parameter to "on".
2) Define the smart transfer time-out (in seconds) in transfer_time parameter. If PBX-connector doesn't receive the extension number from CRM plug-in within that time, then it transfers call to the secretary extension number.
3) Define the answer time-out (in seconds) in answer_time parameter. If user doesn't answer the transferred called within that time, then Asterisk continues to route that call according to its configuration.
4) Open configuration file /etc/asterisk/extensions_custom.conf with text editor and add the following:
[ext-did-custom] exten => 7XXXXXXX,1,Macro(prostie-zvonki) exten => 7XXXXXXX,2,Goto(CONTEXT,7XXXXXXX,1)
Replace 7XXXXXXX and CONTEXT with the following: 7XXXXXXX – your external phone number you receive the incoming calls on CONTEXT – dial plan name that FreePBX creates automatically in /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf.
Usually than dial plan looks like below:
[ext-did-0002] include => ext-did-0002-custom exten => fax,1,Goto(${CUT(FAX_DEST,^,1)},${CUT(FAX_DEST,^,2)},${CUT(FAX_DEST,^,3)})
exten => 73431111111,1,Set(__FROM_DID=${EXTEN}) exten => **73431111111**,n,Gosub(app-blacklist-check,s,1()) …
Dial plan name is always in square brackets. It's ext-did-0002 in the example above.
If you have several external phone lines (trunks) with different numbers then do the above for every external phone line. For example:
[ext-did-custom] exten => 73431111111,1,Macro(prostie-zvonki) exten => 73431111111,2,Goto(ext-did-0002,73431111111,1) exten => 78002222222,1,Macro(prostie-zvonki) exten => 78002222222,2,Goto(ext-did-0003,78002222222,1) …
6. Running the PBX-connector
1) Please restart your Asterisk to complete the PBX-connector installation: CLI> core restart now
2) Check that PBX-connector Asterisk module is loaded: CLI> module show like cel_prostie
If you see the module, then you have successfully installed the PBX-connector.