by iDevIT

Save time for your Sales Representatives and Teammates by linking your subscribed OVH VoIP offers with all SuiteCRM phone fields, allowing them to establish a connection with a contact with just a single click on the phone number! Requires a valid OVH Enterprise VOIP subscription.

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From dozens of years, the first Contact and Sales canal remain to be the phone. We are all using Phone everyday to reach our prospect and customers.

Thanks to SuiteCRM, all contacts numbers are now centralized and safely-stored inside the CRM database.

Our module creates the bond between the CRM database and your OVH Telephony System installation. It adds a convenient icon in DetailView, next to the phone number, and will automatically dial-in the number as soon as the user click on it.

Example DV.png

OVH is the #1 Hosting Provider in Europe. They deliver hosting and cloud services. They also have VOIp offers targeting small and medium Enterprises. All there offer contains a complete set of API to interact with the service.

Starting as low as €1/month/user with the Essential Offer, you can have a SIP line (with a free Phone sent by OVH) and a dedicated line number (different line numbers are available with region codes in Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, United Kingdom)

Our module uses the Enterprise offer (€4.99/month/user), as there's extra features available, including the Click2Call API feature.

Once installed you will have a dedicated Admin page to enable the function and configure which VOIP line to use to dialin your customers : admin.jpg

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