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OVH Telephony Integration With SuiteCRM

Posted by on January 29, 2019

OVH Telecom is a popular VoIP provider in Europe that offers landline numbers for Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, and United Kingdom. With this latest integration you can do click-to-calls directly from SuiteCRM.

Highlevel Overview

Easy OVH Click2Call will save time for your Sales Representatives and Teammates by linking your subscribed OVH VoIP offers with all SuiteCRM phone fields, allowing them to establish a connection with a contact with just a single click on the phone number! Requires a valid OVH Enterprise VOIP subscription.

OVH Click-to-Call

Click on the call icon next to a phone number and you will be automatically called and connected with that number.

OVH Click-to-Call

To learn more about this solution go to Easy OVH Click2Call or search for "OVH".

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