by Vedisoft

All-In-One CTI is a computer telephony integration between SugarCRM and most popular PBXs. Easy install. Stable work. 100% support.

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User Guide

1. Click-to-Call

You can use click-to-call feature on Dashlets, Contacts List and Contact Detailed View, Accounts List and Account Detailed View, Leads List and Lead Detailed View. All-In-One CTI transforms all the phone numbers into links. Click the link to dial the number:

SuiteCRM CTI phone number link

Phone number must contain all the meaningful digits in order to dial. All-In-One CTI ignores blank, bracket, comma and other special characters.

Your desk phone should dial the number instantly.

2. New window on Incoming Call

New window opens in your browser when you receive an incoming call. It will match on your phone numbers in any account, contact, or lead:

SuiteCRM CTI call popup

If the number is unknown you can create new Lead, Contact or Account by clicking the link:

SuiteCRM CTI create link

You can log a call by clicking "Phone" icon near the record's name:

SuiteCRM CTI log a call

3. Calls history

All-In-One CTI plugin saves calls history for every SuiteCRM user.

It's not necessary to have SuiteCRM opened in browser when you make or receive phone calls. If user made or received phone calls when she was logged-off in SuiteCRM, then SuiteCRM plugin saves the calls history next time user logs-in.

You can view the calls history on "Calls" sub-panel on Lead, Contact or Account Detailed View:

SuiteCRM CTI call history

  1. jtumampos member avatar


    8 years ago

    How about the call recording? Is this plug ins also capable of that?

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      8 years ago

      It depends on your CRM. We support call recording for Avaya, CISCO, Asterisk (FreePBX, Elastix).

  2. jtumampos member avatar


    8 years ago

    How about call recordings? Is this plug ins also capable for that?

  3. Vedisoft member avatar

    Vedisoft Provider

    8 years ago

    It depends on your CRM. We support call recording for Avaya, CISCO, Asterisk (FreePBX, Elastix).

  4. victor.hernandez member avatar


    8 years ago

    Does it have an autodialer (like predictive dialer)?

  5. Alcese member avatar


    8 years ago

    I.we use Call center anywhere from oracle. This CTI is compatible?

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      8 years ago

      Hi Alcese, I'm sorry but I can't understand your question. I sent you email, please give me an answer.

  6. Christiane member avatar


    8 years ago

    Hello, when logging a call log a call by clicking "Phone" icon near the record's name, is it possible to write notes together with the logging of the call? If yes, where are they saved in the SuiteCRM?

  7. Vedisoft member avatar

    Vedisoft Provider

    8 years ago

    Hello Christiane, When you have installed our module, you will get new separate module Phone Calls. Phone calls is used just to store information about phone call itself (when that call started, when it finished, what were the external and internal phone numbers, etc). Records of this module are created automatically by our CTI-integration.

    You asked about icon phone left to contact name on incoming pop-up window. This icon leads to Edit View of new Call. Calls is standard SuiteCRM (SugarCRM) module which is used to log calls information and to make appointment for new calsl. So it is another module (I know it is a little bit confusing).

    You will have two modules in your system - New module - Phone calls that stores mostly telephony information. - Existed in SuiteCRM module - Calls that stores comments of happened calls and appointment for new calls.

    Records of Phone calls are created automatically every time when you have phone call (incoming or outgoing) Records of Call are created manually when user needs to save information about call he handled or about a call he planned to do in future.

    I'm sorry if I confused you. Please feel free to ask about any clarification.

    Best regards Andrey Uymin Project manager, Vedisoft +74997030423, ext.32 skype: andrew.uymin

    • quangvucmvn member avatar


      5 years ago

      Hi Andrey,

      How to set role permission on phonecalls module? I don't see the phonecalls module in role management.

      Thanks, Quang

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      5 years ago

      Hello, Role permission for our module are standard. If our module is missing in the role settings, try to do: Administration -> Repair -> Role Repair. Let me know if this does not help.

  8. tsmofeire member avatar


    8 years ago

    Can you expand on how this works on an android cell phone?

  9. Vedisoft member avatar

    Vedisoft Provider

    8 years ago

    You install application from google play. This application communicates with CRM. It can send call history, notification about new call, can receive request for outgoing call, can make audio records and publish it when you are in wifi network.

  10. pgcrm member avatar


    8 years ago

    I have suitecrm already setup and in use. I purchased All-in-one CTI. I am not telco guy but can I still install this plugin into current SuiteCRM instance?

    If yes please send simple steps. I have deployed it at hosting server and I suppose it runs linux.

    Do i have to ask hosting provider to install it or I can run some scripts and do it.

    Need help urgently to start using this fantastic tools.

    My email -

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      8 years ago

      Hi, Yes, you should install plug-in into your instance of SuiteCRM.

      To install it into SuiteCRM please go to Admin panel in CRM and chose Module Loader.

      For more information please see

      (!) What PBX do you use? I have to send you trial key for your PBX. (!!) We don't support any PBX, but only specific (see FAQ -

    • pgcrm member avatar


      8 years ago

      I tried loading .zip file into module loader but it goes blank. Just Module Loader heading but tables and load button all disappeared.

  11. pgcrm member avatar


    8 years ago

    Getting following message when tried to use upload feature of Admin

    Upload stream is blocked by Suhosin, please add "upload" to suhosin.executor.include.whitelist

  12. Vedisoft member avatar

    Vedisoft Provider

    8 years ago

    This is very strange mesage. I guess it is better to contact your CRM-hoster.

  13. pgcrm member avatar


    8 years ago

    Upload stream is blocked by Suhosin, please add "upload" to suhosin.executor.include.whitelist

    is solved by twicking some files. Now I can see Module loader interface

  14. pgcrm member avatar


    8 years ago

    The suitecrm is deployed at web hosting server.

  15. pgcrm member avatar


    8 years ago

    I tried loading .zip file into module loader but it goes blank. Just Module Loader heading but tables and load button all disappeared.

  16. pgcrm member avatar


    8 years ago

    Hello any guess.... Can some one suggest - should I use zip file directly to load it OR unzip folder then upload individual file??

  17. pgcrm member avatar


    8 years ago

    OK. .... it seems all went to sleep. I do same. I have to setup this integration as soon possible; so please keep in touch

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      8 years ago

      Hi, You should use zip file (without unzipping)

  18. pgcrm member avatar


    8 years ago

    Finally I am able to install CTI into SuiteCRM!!!

    Now I need to setup voip SIP into CTI configuration ?? Can u help with that Currently I use x-lite for making calls through SIP

  19. pgcrm member avatar


    8 years ago

    Please email me on

  20. Vedisoft member avatar

    Vedisoft Provider

    8 years ago

    Yes, I can help you. Please tell me what PBX do you have?

  21. christophe member avatar


    7 years ago

    Hello i'd like to use the connector with my crm : is it possible ?

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      7 years ago

      Hi Christophe, Yes, it is possible (we've got library that can be install on web-based applications). If you have access to your CRM-sources and you can modify it, then we can help you. I will send you email

    • christophe member avatar


      7 years ago

      ohhhhh that's very good, for the moment i'll try to install module on my freepbx :)

    • christophe member avatar


      7 years ago

      Hello i've installed the connector to my asterisk, is it possible to have web-based applications, i can't modify any crm sources, but i have a connector used by keyyo ; the connector says what page is open, maybe i can used it ???? :)

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      7 years ago

      Hi Christohpe, No, it is not possible if you can't modife sources of your CRM

  22. Vedisoft member avatar

    Vedisoft Provider

    7 years ago

    Hi Christohpe, No, it is not possible if you can't modife sources of your CRM

  23. Eric-ATEC member avatar


    7 years ago


    Would this work with Epigy QX Series PBX's? Would the one time license work across different SuiteCRM domains?


    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      7 years ago

      Hi, 2. No, you need to have separate licenses for every CRM-instanse.

      1. Our module “All-In-One CTI” doesn’t have direct integration with your PBX. But you can use our module with your PBX if your users use our SIP-softphones.

      If you use our softphone with your PBX then you get all functions of PBX-CRM integration: 1. Learn who calls you before you start talking (pop-up notification on incoming call) 2. Dialing number as easy as one-mouse-click (click-to-call) 3. Know who and when talked to your clients (call logs on client page and in calls list view) 4. Listen to conversation record directly from client page (audio records of phone talks)

      To try our SIP-softphone integration please do the following: 1. Download installation file:
      2. Install it using Installation Guide: Installation Guide (EN).pdf
      3. Install All-In-One info your CRM (installation guide for CRM - 4. Put the following credentials into All-In-One Settings in Admin panel in SugarCRM • Password - 635873 • Host - wss:// • Port - 443 • Match only last N digits - 10 5. When you will configure your Softphone.Pro put the same password (635873) in your Softphone’s CRM System settings

      If you have any question about using or installation then let’s talk in skype. My skype is andrew.uymin

      Our softphone has very nice interface and it is easy to use. Your users will love it. Don’t miss a chance to try it.

      Best regards Andrey Uymin Project manager, Vedisoft +74997030423 (ext.32) skype: andrew.uymin

  24. jamesward23 member avatar


    7 years ago

    Hi, We're looking at purchasing this for integration with our CRM system and have a couple questions.

    1. We see Asterisk's compatibility, does this support the hosted PBX from Digium powered by Asterisks shown here?

    2. Is there support provided with this if needed (including implementation)?

    3. SuiteCRM is deploying 7.10 very shortly and 8.0 sometime in the near future, will this be made compatible with those version?


    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      7 years ago

      Hi, 1. You can try to use our module on hosted PBX, only in case when you have access to install native module on your PBX-instance. Usually hosters don't provide for hosted instance such access. So first of all ask your provider whether you will have access to Asterisk CLI. 2. Yes, we can support you to install our module. 3. We keep our modules up-to-date. In case our module has problem with new CRM version we fix it during a week or two.

      Best regards Andrey Uymin Project manager, Vedisoft skype: andrew.uymin

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      7 years ago

      Pay attension, that if you use our professional softphone "", then you will have the same functions (except smart transfer) as you will have with direct integration between PBX and CRM.

      So in case your PBX-provider doesn't give access to your Asterisk CLI, you can use our softphone with that PBX and you will get integration via softphone.

      If you want to try our softphone, please download trial from that website and take a look on post above (there are details for Softphone-CRM integration).

      If you have any question, you can ask me directly it by email or skype.

      Best regards Andrey Uymin Project manager, Vedisoft skype: andrew.uymin

  25. stratocentric member avatar


    6 years ago

    Does this work with FusionPBX?

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      6 years ago

      Hi, No, our module does not work with FusionPBX. But you can use our SIP softphone. In that case you will get the same features as with supported PBXs.

      Best regards Andrey Uymin Project manager, Vedisoft skype: andrew.uymin

  26. crivadron member avatar


    6 years ago

    Hello, Is it compatible with issabel? Are the calls recorded? where? I have issabel pbx on one server, and suitecrm 7 on another server, can it be integrated with this pluging?

  27. quangvucmvn member avatar


    5 years ago

    Hi, Is it possible to create a report on Phonecall module include contact information (Last name) in call logs?

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      5 years ago

      Hello PhoneCall is not link to the Contact directly, therefore no, in the standard implementation this is not possible. But we can additionally modify a module or report for you, for this, contact me by e-mail:

    • nguyencongtriet member avatar


      5 years ago

      Can we have PhoneCall directly connect to both Contact & Lead Module. We should have a report with Contact's base

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      5 years ago

      Hello, This is potentially possible, but additional module development is needed. For more details please contact me by e-mail: or Skype: live:ebb3de03d480a977

  28. solvingit member avatar


    5 years ago

    Hello, we use Grandstreams UCM6202 as our PBX. It is based on Asterisk but wondering if there is any way to use this with SuiteCRM? Thanks!

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      5 years ago

      Hi, Our module “All-In-One CTI” doesn’t have direct integration with your PBX. But you can use our module with your PBX if your users use our professional SIP-softphones – Softphone.Pro .

  29. Adekunle member avatar


    5 years ago


    Does your "All-in-one CTI" works with 3cx phone system? i will like to integrate 3cx to suitecrm.

  30. nftsuitecrm member avatar

    nftsuitecrm Verified Purchase

    5 years ago


    Do you have any support email id to reach out ?


    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      5 years ago

      Hello, You can send your case to

  31. instigatecrm member avatar

    instigatecrm Verified Purchase

    4 years ago

    did this price change from a one time fee to yearly?

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      4 years ago

      We have added a new option - "yearly", but the one-time option remained.

  32. rasel member avatar


    4 years ago

    Does this support asterisk 13.x + Vicidial?? Call recording incoming/outgoing calls?

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      4 years ago

      Hello, We did not test the work with Vicidial, most likely the module should work because it uses the basic capabilities of the asterisk. Try installing the module (you have a free trial). Please feel free to ask me any question about installation or using our module.

  33. bansal745 member avatar


    3 years ago

    Hi, Is this CTI compatible with Oracle service cloud CRM and Intermedia? Please connect me on for more details.

  34. sree3054 member avatar


    3 years ago


    Does your software support Genesys

    • Vedisoft member avatar

      Vedisoft Provider

      3 years ago

      Hello, Our module “All-In-One CTI” doesn’t have direct integration with Genesys But you can use our module with your PBX if your users use our SIP-softphones. If you use our softphone with your PBX then you get all functions of PBX-CRM integration: 1. Learn who calls you before you start talking (pop-up notification on incoming call) 2. Dialing number as easy as one-mouse-click (click-to-call) 3. Know who and when talked to your clients (call logs on client page and in calls list view) 4. Listen to conversation record directly from client page (audio records of phone talks)

      To try our SIP-softphone integration please do the following: 1. Download installation file: 2. Install it using Installation Guide: Installation Guide (EN).pdf
      3. Install All-In-One info your CRM (installation guide for CRM - 4. Put the following credentials into All-In-One Settings in Admin panel in SugarCRM • Password - 635873 • Host - wss:// • Port - 443 • Match only last N digits - 10 5. When you will configure your Softphone.Pro put the same password (635873) in your Softphone’s CRM System settings

  35. izaquiellbessas member avatar

    2 years ago

    This works with GoTo Connect?

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