Send Individual or Mass WhatsApp Messages from SuiteCRM
Send WhatsApp messages from SuiteCRM in one click, from any module. You can send mass WhatsApp messages and log all replies as an inbound WhatsApp message too. Create and send custom or template-based messages, plus send messages using a workflow.
Product Update: Glances Now Supports Connecting Multiple Accounts Per App
While a single account for apps like Mailchimp is sufficient for most companies, we understand that multiple accounts for the same software platform are necessary for others. Read how the Glances no-code integration platform can connect them all.
SuiteCRM 8 Beta Release: What You Need to Know
With this exciting news from SalesAgility, creators of the SuiteCRM platform, you may want to proactively check out the latest features and enhancements version 8 is set to include.
Sync QuickBooks Online Customer, Item, and Invoice Data to SuiteCRM
The QuickBooks Online integration with SuiteCRM will sync Customer, Item, and Invoice data from QuickBooks Online to the Contact, Product and Invoice modules of SuiteCRM. Syncing is unidirectional from QuickBooks Online to SuiteCRM.
Single or Bulk Tag SuiteCRM Records to Easily Segment and Manage Tasks
Add Tag is a SuiteCRM add-on that enables users to apply helpful tags on records to better manage large tasks in the CRM. Choose to tag records one by one or by the bulk action feature. Use the report tool to apply a filter and segment records per tag of your choice.
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Mandrill Integration
Integrates SuiteCRM with Mandrill for all CRM based mailing purposes
Import to Dropdown fields
Import to Dropdown Fields helps users manage large data sets that need to be imported to dropdown fields for modules of SuiteCRM. For example, if you have a country dropdown and you need to add entries for all countries, it would take hours to add that data. This plugin saves time by allowing users ...
Address Lookup
Get more accurate addresses and speed up data-entry time. Auto-suggests addresses as you start to type. Auto-fills street, city, state, country, and zip code reducing address entry time by 90%. Works world-wide. Simplified data entry for contacts, accounts, and leads.
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