by Redian Software

Recurring Tasks Extension helps you create tasks and automatically schedule repeat tasks for specified or all SuiteCRM users.

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Need task management for SuiteCRM? Now you can set it and forget it.

Recurring Tasks Extension is an automated way to create and schedule tasks in SuiteCRM based on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly settings.

For example: You may need to assign a task to make outreach calls on Mondays of every week, the end of the month, or whenever you decide.This extension helps make your repeat tasks automated, so you focus on your work instead of creating and updating new tasks every day, week, month, etc.

How it Works

1. Admin Panel


2. Validate extension license

Put your license key to access extension.


3. Create recurring tasks after license verification

After license verification, you can now create recurring tasks.


4. Create recurring tasks

  • Tasks Name: Tasks name will set as tasks name while create tasks
  • Status: You can choose Active/Inactive to run that job; job will only run if job is active
  • Role List: In this dropdown, you can see all roles created and you can assign tasks to users by selecting roles, or assign to all users
  • Selection Type: If selection type is all, then tasks will be assigned to all users based on role list, or you can choose to assign to certain users from user list


5. Schedule recurring tasks

  • You can schedule to create tasks based on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly settings
  • You can also set specific times to run jobs
  • Scheduled recurring tasks will run with the help of the Scheduler module to get this job done
  • Tasks will be created on the same date and time you set and you see them in the tasks module


6. Display details after schedule recurring tasks

Details that you have set up in recurring tasks.


7. Task list showing recurring tasks scheduled

After scheduling recurring tasks, you will see upcoming tasks in the Tasks module with any ‘assigned to’ users according to your set up preference.

Note: Curl should be installed in your server.


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