by TechEsperto Solutions Pvt Ltd

Create business logic for field calculations without needing to write custom code. You can select calculated field and create the formula that is automatically updated based on calculation you provide.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5118 How to cancel my trial and stop billing - How to cancel my trial and stop billing. i have saved credit card, and i do not want to continue bi infomohanmore Open General Question
#5073 license key don´t run - i install th addon, change permissions in folders, quick and repair, but, isn´t running... Open Installation
#4954 Calculated field with users module - Hello, I want to do a calculation of an opportunity field multiplied by a field of the assigned user direccion Open General Question
#4949 Plugin not working - Good morning, I installed the trial version to monitor the product to buy it at the end of the month reportesdgcvm Open Installation
#4880 Loading calculation field module - I'm trying to install the Calculation Field module. I select "Modul Loader:, then "Choose file", I c npwomack Open Installation
#4414 PHP8 Compatibility Version - Could you please let me know if you have a version of this add in that is compatible with PHP8? NALEP Open General Question
#4248 Doesn't work when clicking on edit formula - Doesn't work when clicking on edit formula I already gave full accesses in the "tac_calculated_fi sistemas5 Open Bug?
#4210 Is it possible to have IF support? - Is it possible to have IF support? Open Feature
#4208 Find the month different from a field and now - Is it possible to find for example, a field of date, 2022-01-01, how many month to Now(), which is M Open Feature
#4207 Calculate Month by diff_month for a field compare with NOW - Is there any way to compare the month by Now. diff_month(Now, field1) ? Open Bug?
#3959 Trying to add 6 months to the date in another field - Hi I have a date field that is being entered by a user when they modify a record (custom module) magpie-pgz Open General Question
#3876 Count Relationship and Sum of Relate Fields - Hi, Do you have any documentation on how the 'Count Relationship' and 'Sum of Relate Fiedls' work david18 Open General Question
#3739 How can I implement formulas with more then 255 characters - Dear support, it seems there is a 255 character limitation in the formula fields.If we past a for htalarek Open General Question
#3728 Can the Calculated field us the currency symbol when adding two £ fields - Have a number of £ fields in a clients custom module that are added in pairs But the resultant Cal Free Rein Ltd Open General Question
#3686 PHP version compatibiity - Does anyone know if the SUITECRM Calculation Field is compatible with PHP 7.4? NALEP Open General Question
#3593 Calculations - Hello, Can calculations be performed between multiple forms? Thank you Best regards Genius Open Feature
#3034 Calculating like product lines in Quotes - Hi I am wondering if it is possible to have field values calculated on the fly and not only just b Jesper Open General Question
#2910 Distance from GeoCordinates - I am looking for a tool that calculates the route (distance) between two geocoordinates for me. Can support22 Open Feature
#2871 Dynamic calculation - Hi, before ordering the plugin, i d like to be sure of the way the plugin is working In our busi Groupe Cahors Open General Question
#2863 Urgent - Plugin Validation - Urgent Problem I purchased your plugin and get the following error when trying to validate the lice grantjoyce Closed Installation
#2850 Pricing - Good Morning I am based in South Africa where our Currency is really weak and the cost of your plug grantjoyce1 Closed General Question
#2338 Calculation are made on the fly or they are stored in the database? - Want to know if calculated fields are stored in the database Adolfo Closed General Question
#2249 Workflow calculated field - I have issue with creating formula on workflow , two parameters that i need to multiply are opportu rhosseinali Closed Bug?
#2247 Creating calculate field - We need to have a calculate field on report module but i have a problem that, i dont know what need rhosseinali Closed Bug?
#1848 Question - Hello, Is the calculated field, can come from fields of different modules. Example: An Account mod Genius Closed Bug?
#1589 Very simple multiplication not working - I have 2 fields Probability (integer) Target KPI Fee (integer) Here is the formula: mul(probab rickcarlson Closed Bug?
#1515 concat doens't work. Shows concat values as string instead of field values - Iam using the SuiteCRM-Version 7.10.9 the concat function isn't working if i try to do the same sedat Closed Bug?
#1033 cannot download latest version - Hi, I cannot download latest version of your module "SuiteCRMCalculatedFields_Monthly_12march2018.zi whitecoat Closed Bug?
#1025 Maximum function is not included - There is the Minimum function, but the Maximum function is not included, which is just as necessary. elara Closed Feature
#1024 Format - It would be very helpful if the format of the field could be defined: number as x, xxx.xx (separatio elara Open Feature
#1012 Question - When are the fields calculated - is it the save event? when the record is retrieved? Does it calcu peterjakob Closed General Question