by Dreamer Technologies

SMS add-on automation makes your business available anytime. Send SMS from SuiteCRM at one click from any module. You can also create workflow SMS and get a reply back as an Inbound SMS.

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#5583 Compatible with Suitecrm-8.5 - Compatible with Suitecrm-8.5? Open General Question
#5565 I am recieving the Outbound SMS message that I send in the Call Module, I am not recieving the Inbound SMS message - Hello, I am using Twilio for the SMS - I have configured it to your documentation. I am receivin tsinclair Open Bug?
#5529 Not able to send message - Message sending is failed. Can you please provide me the complete documentation for configuration Adogra Open General Question
#5491 You are not authorized to view this page - I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 and Apache with PHP 8.2. Immediately after installation I went to Repair an Open Installation
#5478 Successful Install. Lack - upon successful install, at the Admin Page, when I click SMS Configuration settings, it shows an err pianokai Open Bug?
#5156 Gateway configuration - Hi, I want to try your plugin but it doesn't give me the opportunity to configure a local SMS gatewa dataceum Open Bug?
#5133 Plan - Bonjour, vous ne proposez que des tarifs au mois ou a l'année , là où votre principal concurrent jmouton Open General Question
#5006 CE SMS addon is not active. - CE SMS addon is not active. unicornprogrammerhk Open Bug?
#4979 SMS Add On - Helllo, We have installed the SMS Module in our QA environment, can successfully send individual tsinclair Open Bug?
#4835 compatibility with click to call - we use the click to call module so there is already a logo in front of the phone numbers. will your jmouton Open General Question
#4771 Adding SMS as an option in a workflow action - Hi, Is it possible to add the SMS as on option in a workflow action? We want to be able to automat jonnie00 Open General Question
#4510 bulk sms not work - hello i try to send a bulk sms only to 2 contacts and not work ss_removed_16 Open Bug?
#4161 No history feature - In your screenshots you show a history of the back and forth between the contact and the sms number billlee Open Feature
#4135 Configuration - Does the module give a capability of configuring with local SMS service providers? I only saw twilio Open Feature
#3987 Configure for multiple test environments - Hi, How do I use this for multiple dev and test environments? How does the plugin know the enviro chitale.manjiri Open Installation
#3758 Bulk SMS option not appearing in Target List Actions - Hello, We cannot send SMS via target lists as the Bulk SMS option does not appear as a choice from jonnie00 Open Bug?
#3174 SMS Integration with SuiteCRM - Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'modules/CE_SMS_Configuration/CE_SMS_Utils.php' Viegi_srl Open Installation
#2593 Automation - Can it send text to client on their birthday automatically? contact5 Open Bug?
#2528 Details To Be Known - I will like to get response to the following request as they were not detailed in the store. 1: H prinzeoluwa Open Feature
#2409 setting a (custom) module to template - We have our own (custom) module which include mobile phone. The SMS icon appears close to the numbe ydl Closed Installation
#2314 Inbound messages are not linked to the Lead or Account - How can I make sure an Inbound message is from a certain Lead or Account. As there is no indication euroviewinc Closed Feature
#2038 Inboundsms automatically related to contcts or leads or opps - When the inbound sms come in can they be automatically related to a contact or an opp or lead? Pl billlee Closed General Question
#1995 HTTP SMS Set Up - I am getting 301 reply, the inbound text is not showing up in the CRM I am using URL below. I do no n8weaver Closed Installation
#1871 Inbound messages not working - Hi, I have purchased and installed the SMS Integration. However I have struck a few issues. Geoff Closed General Question
  • "Bhavin was able to configure the Inbound and Outbound of the add-on. We are using a 3rd party sms gateway."

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