by Dreamer Technologies

SMS add-on automation makes your business available anytime. Send SMS from SuiteCRM at one click from any module. You can also create workflow SMS and get a reply back as an Inbound SMS.

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#2038 - Inboundsms automatically related to contcts or leads or opps

Closed General Question created by billlee 5 years ago

When the inbound sms come in can they be automatically related to a contact or an opp or lead?

Please advise.

  1. dreamertechs member avatar

    Dreamer Technologies Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hello Billee Yes It will be automatically related to a contact or lead or account when inbound SMS comes in. Please lets connect us on skype: dreamertechs

    Regards, Dreamer Technologies

  2. billlee member avatar


    5 years ago

    After you did work on our plugin it seems that your plugin is showing as uninstalled even though it is still installed. Can you please help?

    • dreamertechs member avatar

      Dreamer Technologies Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      Hello Billlee It is due to installation of addon entry not saved in table upgrade_history It will not cause any problem in CRM and Working of addon.

      Regards, Dreamer Technologies

  3. billlee member avatar


    3 years ago


    It seems our version doesnt do the history when you click on the sms bubble can you please provide me with the reason why? Or an updated version.

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