SMS add-on automation makes your business available anytime. Send SMS from SuiteCRM at one click from any module. You can also create workflow SMS and get a reply back as an Inbound SMS.
#1871 - Inbound messages not working
I have purchased and installed the SMS Integration.
However I have struck a few issues.
Firstly it appears Twilio & Pilvo do not support New Zealand numbers.
I have set up a Twiio account, because NZ numbers are not supported I setup an Australian number (This number 61439070412 is supposed to send SMS internationally)
I have setup the the API setting as described in your documentation
We can send sms via SuiteCRM but we are not receiving any replies ( I note the reply to number is +386 8 instead of the expected 61439070412 this could be a phone number issue or a extension issue... either way we can't continue with this extension if we can't get it to work.
Hopefully you can assist.
Regards Geoff Grace