by Dreamer Technologies

WhatsApp add-on automation makes your business available anytime. Send WhatsApp from SuiteCRM at one click from any module. Easy to user Single conversation view. You can also create a workflow WhatsApp Message and get a reply back as an Inbound WhatsApp Message. With WhatsApp, you'll get fast, simple, secure messaging available on phones all over the world.

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#5514 8.7.0 need technical help to guide the use - 8.7.0 need technical help to guide the use Open Installation
#5384 Compatibility with v8.6 - Hi all, i need to know if the module is compatible with the last 8.6.1 SuiteCRM version. Thanks devila Open General Question
#5282 You are not authorized to view this page. Please contact your system administrator. - Hi All, I installed the module without any problems, but when I try to access pages /#/DT_What joaobosco Open General Question
#5180 Workflow problem (send wassap) - Do not send wassap to the contact related to the case. ![workflow.png]( Practics Business Solutions Open General Question
#5022 Installation - Hi, I tried to install the plugin but I didn't receive the installed successfully message, I got o CREdge Open Installation
#4976 No Cargan los Mensajes para el Cliente - Buenas tardes,se a realizado la instalación del plugin correctamente, pero en el momento que doy cl soporte7 Open Bug?
#4849 Not able to send message giving Outbound Failure error - I am able to receive message In SuiteCRM when sent through developers page info142 Open Installation
#4749 Does not work with 8.2.x versions - Hello, despite it being written that the plugin is compatible from 7.0.0 to 8.2.2 versions the plugi Simposio Open Installation
#4629 Cant Sent Message - Hello, after Installation my View is with broken Pictures ![2022-12-29 14_42_23-SuiteCRM.png](https Open Installation
#4621 doesn't work with SuiteCRM 8.2.1. - It doesn't work with SuiteCRM 8.2.1. Unfortunately, it is not possible to uninstall it as it has in Simposio Open Installation
#4598 Questions to this APP - Hello, when I install the app for our CRM. Must then constantly e.g. chrome with Whatsapp remain ope Open General Question
#4459 Cannot Create Templates - H Though I tried creating a Email template type WhatsApp But it does not appear under the template seanfdo Open Bug?
#4317 Recurring subscription cancelled 5/14/2022 - No reitegraron $69.- del pago realizado. gracias gabriel1 Open Bug?
#4285 esta instalado pero no puedo configurarlo - no puedo configurar para que funcione gracias gabriel1 Open Bug?
#4094 error when sending messages and viewing history - I just did the installation and configuration of the plugin and the messages arrive without problem miguel.garcia.valerio Open Bug?
#4013 is https required? - Hi In order for the integration to work should the crm be hosted on https? seanfdo Open Bug?
#3967 I can not validate license - i have installed the module but when i hit on validate license it did not did nothing ACGTS Open Installation
#3910 wrong payment - i add 2 instanse of this module. with monthly payments and yearly. i want use only monthly one, can euroasian_group Open General Question
#3898 no response from the whatsapp service - service was working fine, then suddenly stopped without any change . hatem.elsayed Open Bug?
#3850 Items are not displayed in the drop-down menu and studio - Hi. 1) Items are not displayed in the drop-down menu. 2) Items are not displayed in module in stud euroasian_group Open Bug?
#3654 Unable to respond using whatsapp - I was able successfully use WhatsApp Integration with SuiteCRM to integrate with SuiteCRM. I was abl jrit Open Bug?
#3407 Unlimited user - Hello Team, Can you please clarify that I can use more than one ZAP number to establish communica pedrobaptista Open General Question
#3051 Installation Error - I got this error when installing the whatsapp addons Failed to copy cache/upgrades/temp/smVKBa/cust cherif Open Installation
#2773 No abre ventana para enviar mensajes via whats app - Buenas tardes, he instalado el plugin de acorde a los pasos indicados en el documento de instalació internick15 Open Bug?
#2334 Not Working - I have installed everything and the whatsapp logo is showing but not doing nothing. jckitter Open Installation
#2329 DT_Whatsapp addon is not active. - The installation was performed according to guide steps. It has also been enabled but displays the m imobrohde Open Installation
#2155 Unable to Send or receive messages after set up - Hello Support, We have set up the solution following the provided installation guide but we are info80 Closed General Question
#2016 messages don't sent - after validate license and configure the api key (APIWHA) can't send any messages. the whatsapp wind emteleduardo Closed General Question
  • "It works fine, but you have to be logged in to your Whatsapp all the while when you are sending messages. I did test run on 5-10 leads. Have yet to se..." - manjulwadhwa5

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