by Dreamer Technologies

WhatsApp add-on automation makes your business available anytime. Send WhatsApp from SuiteCRM at one click from any module. Easy to user Single conversation view. You can also create a workflow WhatsApp Message and get a reply back as an Inbound WhatsApp Message. With WhatsApp, you'll get fast, simple, secure messaging available on phones all over the world.

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#3051 - Installation Error

Open Installation created by cherif 3 years ago

I got this error when installing the whatsapp addons Failed to copy cache/upgrades/temp/smVKBa/custom/Extension/application/Ext/LogicHooks/DT_Whatsapp_UIFrame.php to custom/Extension/application/Ext/LogicHooks/DT_Whatsapp_UIFrame.php

I have SuiteCRM community edition Version 7.10.25 Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

  1. dreamertechs member avatar

    Dreamer Technologies Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago

    Hello Cherif,

    Yes, This is a small update to our plugin. I request you to please connect us on skype we will help you with the implementation and demo testing of the Whatsapp addon for SuiteCRM.

    Skype :live:dreamertechs

    Thanks and Regards

    Team Dreamer Technologies

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