by Dreamer Technologies

WhatsApp add-on automation makes your business available anytime. Send WhatsApp from SuiteCRM at one click from any module. Easy to user Single conversation view. You can also create a workflow WhatsApp Message and get a reply back as an Inbound WhatsApp Message. With WhatsApp, you'll get fast, simple, secure messaging available on phones all over the world.

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#3654 - Unable to respond using whatsapp

Open Bug? created by jrit 3 years ago

I was able successfully use WhatsApp Integration with SuiteCRM to integrate with SuiteCRM. I was able to send a brand new message. I was able to receive a WhatsApp message. But I am unable to send a response to a received message. Also the history does not populate.

  1. dreamertechs member avatar

    Dreamer Technologies Provider Affiliate

    3 years ago

    Hi Jrit,

    Thanks for connecting us..!

    As per your comment, you are not able to see the history of the chat and not able to respond kindly connect me on Skype: dreamertechs or on Whatsapp: +91-8866461183.

    We will check it and resolve it remotely.


    Team Dreamer Technologies.

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  • "It works fine, but you have to be logged in to your Whatsapp all the while when you are sending messages. I did test run on 5-10 leads. Have yet to se..." - manjulwadhwa5

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