by Dreamer Technologies

WhatsApp add-on automation makes your business available anytime. Send WhatsApp from SuiteCRM at one click from any module. Easy to user Single conversation view. You can also create a workflow WhatsApp Message and get a reply back as an Inbound WhatsApp Message. With WhatsApp, you'll get fast, simple, secure messaging available on phones all over the world.

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#2016 - messages don't sent

Closed General Question created by emteleduardo 5 years ago

after validate license and configure the api key (APIWHA) can't send any messages. the whatsapp window show an red exclamation icon under the text. test from apiwha was successful.

  1. dreamertechs member avatar

    Dreamer Technologies Provider Affiliate

    5 years ago

    Hello I think you have the mobile number with country code while sending. Please connect us on Skype : dreamertechs for the help.

    Regards, Dreamer Technologies

    • emteleduardo member avatar


      5 years ago

      unfortunately the company's network does not allow skype.

    • dreamertechs member avatar

      Dreamer Technologies Provider Affiliate

      5 years ago

      Hello Can you share the CRM credentials to my email id - I will the remaining.

      Regards, Dreamer Technoogies

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