by NS-Team

A better way to manage and maintain your Target Lists. Target List Wizard allows you to keep lists up to date automatically using reports or workflows or manually from each of your records using the Target List subpanel. Also includes the ability to mass remove and also search for records that belong to a certain target list.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5229 New version? - I see in my orders section there is a new zip file for 4.0.0 - I believe I have not received any not Ward Open General Question
#4762 Adding TL Wiz to custom modules? - We have a custom module very similar to the Contacts module, how can we get TL Wiz to show up in the Ward Open General Question
#3217 Scheduler Target Sync - Hey when I run the target workflow manually it works but does not work in scheduler can we connect t acarlisi Open Bug?
#3042 Cancel Target list wizard - I want to cancel the target list wizard erichboehm Open General Question
#2721 Creating Unique Target Lists - Hello N-S Team, Can you advise if it possible to create unique target lists with your extensions wh nicw Open General Question
  • "The TL Wizard and Security Suite Enhanced Teams add-ons are the two best investments I made for SuiteCRM, I use them every day. Since they were built ..." - Ward

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