by NS-Team

A better way to manage and maintain your Target Lists. Target List Wizard allows you to keep lists up to date automatically using reports or workflows or manually from each of your records using the Target List subpanel. Also includes the ability to mass remove and also search for records that belong to a certain target list.

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  • Add-on Rating
    Verified Purchase 10:05 pm March 11th, 2023 | share link

    The TL Wizard and Security Suite Enhanced Teams add-ons are the two best investments I made for SuiteCRM, I use them every day. Since they were built with solid, bug-free code, I can rely on them as a key asset to my business.

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    "Does exactly what it says it does and does it well."
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  • "The TL Wizard and Security Suite Enhanced Teams add-ons are the two best investments I made for SuiteCRM, I use them every day. Since they were built ..." - Ward

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