A better way to manage and maintain your Target Lists. Target List Wizard allows you to keep lists up to date automatically using reports or workflows or manually from each of your records using the Target List subpanel. Also includes the ability to mass remove and also search for records that belong to a certain target list.
#3217 - Scheduler Target Sync
Hey when I run the target workflow manually it works but does not work in scheduler can we connect to further discuss this issue.
4 years ago
What do you mean by "does not work in scheduler" Does the scheduler fail or does it just not execute (then you should check that the cron is set).
4 years ago
Yeah I checked if the cron is set and it runs but does not move the targets to the target list
4 years ago
If you have defined that as a workflow, it is not executed by the scheduler. The scheduler is only used for sync of reports.
4 years ago
Is there a way we can connect?
4 years ago
I will send you an email.
4 years ago
Hey, I'm interested in the same. I have a workflow set to sync leads to a target list, how can i achieve getting this set on a schedule?
4 years ago
I don't understand the question. The schedulers are only used to sync reports. Our workflows are executed on the fly. Example: You have a target list for converted leads. Whenever you convert a lead, it will immediately be added to the target list.
Could you explain the conditions you have set for this sync workflow?