by AppJetty

SuiteCRM Survey Plugin Integrate the SuiteCRM survey plugin to create, design and send attractive surveys to get actionable feedback from your prospects. This can help you direct your business strategies. Get feedback directly from your respondents and easily manage them in SuiteCRM.

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#5525 smtp not working - I updated the password on the account we use for SMTP and when I go to the SMTP settings on the Sute Open Bug?
#4985 Survey pages are note displayed at all (SuiteCRM 7.7) - Hi there I just installed Survey Rocket for testing if fitted to our needs. Unfortunately, the m Dew Trelong Closed Bug?
#4454 Unable to Take Survey - It is impossible to take survey as configured since the recent deployment of CRM. There is the erro Violeine Closed Bug?
#3972 error when validating activating code - Hi, I'm having an error message when I validate the activation code, it says Error: null. After that dpreciado2 Closed Bug?
#3345 Surveys randomly don't save - We keep running into problems with the module. At the time of creation we add the required fields an fabiangarcia Closed Bug?
#3012 Attend Survey Feature - Hi, I have a question on the Attend Survey feature. It seems as though in order to Attend a Survey fabiangarcia Closed Feature
#2990 Cron job error repeated in the log file - Tue Aug 4 14:20:03 2020 [25876][1][FATAL] Job d03baaac-b963-1c67-4362-5f28fe55a849 (Set scheduled s weiaunooi Closed Bug?
#2987 unable to save the new survey - I created 4 pages of the survey. 9 questions with 4 dropdown list with around 10 - 12 option on the weiaunooi Closed Bug?
#2916 Can't enter license - I have installed the basic trial version but the admin screen does not have link to enter license. W Solus Closed Installation
#2473 where is the submit button? - Hi I installed the test version but why don't I see the submit button on this form? ![Screensho gulin Closed General Question
#2239 Form not saving large surveys - I seem to get to a point on survey creation and the survey rocket form no longer saves added questio KnowledgePoint Limited Closed Bug?
#2179 Clickable link from contacts - If the user has an apostrophe in their name, for instance dave o'reilly, the survey fails to open on KnowledgePoint Limited Closed Bug?
#2025 Form failing to save. - I have added two language fields to my contacts table: - primarylanguage - setup as a dropdownlis KnowledgePoint Limited Closed Bug?
#2017 Show/Hide - Show/Hide logic does not seem to be working, Would appreciate some assistance please. KnowledgePoint Limited Closed Bug?
#1190 questionnaire - Hello there . Please let me know SuitCRM has questionnaire or not? anuj Closed Feature
#664 Survey Editor Pages not showing up anymore. - Hi Support, I had installed sucessfully once. Not it stopped working. I am using the latest relea jschmittruenhorst Closed Bug?
#388 Survey module returns blank page - We installed Survey module in our SuiteCRM 7.7.9. All the module pages are blank as captured in the Hasan Closed Bug?
#282 Not able to use Survey rocket, problem with site URL - We are getting errors like this: Biztech said this: Hi Dennis, Tha dspaan Closed Bug?
#240 phone survey - hi,the suitecrm survey rocket, is it possible for an employee to start a survey and do a phone based dspaan Closed General Question
#203 Installed but blank page when selected - I installed and repaired as specified. However, when I click on survey or survey template, the page twinton Closed Bug?
#201 Which version to install - There are 3 files for download. What is the difference between the files and which should be instal twinton Closed Installation
#93 Survey Questions - Hey Survey Rocket Team, Two questions for you. 1. If using survey rocket can the respondents hav Rob Closed General Question
#46 No have the option than one section dependent on the answers of a field - At the moment we are working on issues like survey creation and these have several sections. These sergioalvarez Closed General Question
  • "We have been using the SuiteCRM Survey Rocket Plugin for over a year now, and the product works well. This is a great plugin supported by a great team, definitely recommended."

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