by Activalink

The Suite WhatsApp Integration is a tool that allows you to use WhatsApp directly from SuiteCRM. Utilizing the WhatsApp API, you can send and receive messages without having to set up accounts with other providers and at no cost. All conversations you have via WhatsApp are associated with your contacts in SuiteCRM, providing you with a complete and controlled record of your interactions with customers.

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Support Cases Author Status Type
#5610 Invalid URL - Appreciate your support to provide the correct SuiteCRM Link and I'm able to connect only WhatsApp P kfawzy1 Open Installation
#5378 Generate QR - We are using SuiteCRM 7.14.4 After I successfully load the license key, and I click the "Generate Q davisfung Closed Bug?
#5334 No funciona. - Está validada la licencia y conectado al WhatsApp con el QR No envía ni se reciben mensajes. No gabriel1 Closed Installation
#5325 My Key doesn't work - I got a key a few hours ago but, when I try to validate, it tells me that my key is invalidate ionsergisv Closed Bug?
#5324 No valida mi licencia - Tengo mi CRM en Local, y tiene acceso a internet, pero no valida mi clave ionsergisv Closed Bug?
#5321 Licencia invalida - no valida la licencia gabriel1 Closed Bug?
#5183 INVALID LICENSE KEY - Hi: I have problems with my license key. When I go to validate I have the INVALID LICENSE KEY error. nacho Closed Installation